Agricultural waste to real worth biochar as a sustainable material for supercapacitor Articles uri icon


  • Khedulkar, Akhil Pradiprao
  • Dang, Van Dien
  • Doong, Ruey an

publication date

  • April 2023


  • 869

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0048-9697

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1879-1026


  • Biochar made from agricultural waste is gaining more attention in energy field due to its sustainability, low cost, apart from having high supercapacitance performance. Also, it has a wide range of environmental applications, including wastewater treatment, upgrading soil fertility, contaminant immobilization, and in situ carbon sequestration. The existing thermo-chemical methodologies for converting agricultural waste into a sustainable material i.e. biochar and the role of activation agents in enhancing the performance of these materials were critically analyzed and discussed. An overview of recent trends in agricultural waste-derived biochar for supercapacitor electrodes is highlighted in this review that emphasizes green circular economy for encouraging net-zero utility of agriculture waste biomass. The roles of various newly prepared 'green' electrolytes in reducing the negative consequences of supercapacitor is also reviewed. The trashing of agricultural waste and the depletion of energy supplies has become a global concern, hurting the world's ecosystem and economy through pollution and a fuel crisis and hence the concept of a green circular economic model is also highlighted.


  • agricultural waste; biochar; circular economy; green electrolytes; hybrid capacitor; supercapacitor