Inverted microstrip Gap Waveguide filtering antenna based on coplanar EBG resonators Articles uri icon

publication date

  • January 2023

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 24


  • 1, 282


  • 23

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • A new simple design of an inverted microstrip Gap Waveguide filtering antenna integrated with two stopband filters is proposed in this work. In order to simultaneously provide filtering and radiating functions, we use the direct integration approach to cascade two periodic sets of coplanar coupled EBG resonators with a slot antenna. The analysis shows that the filters can be easily adjusted in the same feeding layer of the antenna, without extra circuitry and without modifying the lines. EBG-filters are compact and offer great flexibility in determining the frequency, width and selectivity of the rejected bands. Experimental results for an X-band filtering antenna prototype are provided showing a 7.3% transmission band centered at 10.2 GHz and a realized gain peak of 2.1 dBi. The measurements demonstrate the filtering capability of the proposed antenna, achieving rejection levels greater than 12 dB and 20 dB for the bands below and above the operation band. The proposed low-complexity design offers good performance as a filter and as an antenna, showing the essential advantages of the Gap Waveguide Technology, including low losses, self-packaging and limited cost. This work demonstrates the possibility of integrating the new coplanar EBG-filters into future Gap Waveguide antenna designs to avoid unwanted radiation, to reduce interfering signals or to provide high isolation in multiband systems.


  • Telecommunications


  • antenna array; electromagnetic bandgap structure; feeding network; filtering antenna; gap waveguide technology; interference mitigation; inverted microstrip; slot antenna; stopband filter; x-band