Democratization in Political Communication
published in
- Political Studies Review Journal
publication date
- November 2021
start page
- 607
end page
- 623
- 4
- 19
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1478-9299
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1478-9302
- Disintermediation allows citizens to directly access political communication. The greater diversity of interactions between political actors results in increased flow of information. This causes decreased effectiveness for gatekeepers and agenda-setters (old media), and makes way for the creation of a deregulated, non-hierarchical, and borderless space, resulting in the empowerment of citizens and the democratization of political communication. This is a modernizing time that affects the development of political process and the role of different political actors. However, this transformation is shaped by bias and structural factors that limit its universalization and, a priori, encourage the emergence of a citizen elite that is capable of managing and benefiting from change.
- Sociology
- political communication; disintermediation; democrazitation; citizenship; mediatization; political actors