Films Made During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Isolation Through the Gaze of Filmmaking Students
published in
- Art Education Journal
publication date
- November 2022
start page
- 41
end page
- 43
- 6
- 75
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0004-3125
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2325-5161
- Give Me a Break (Dame un respiro), directed by SS, is based on the observational documentary style (Figure 2). A typical street of an ordinary neighborhood is shown with complete detail: the washing lines on house fronts, the closed windows, the sunrise over the quiet streets, the rain hitting the ground. Nevertheless, the virtue of SSs documentary lies in the use of sound: The student established a duality between long and fixed shots and the sounds of the empty street. It becomes a symphony composed of the birds choirs, the voiceover of anonymous testimonies, and the expression of their thoughts about the pandemic.
- Information Science