Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
As part of the European Space Agency (ESA) studies of new instrument for Earth observation, the design of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) architecture based on overlapped array antennas was launched last year. The objective of the activity is to develop a test unit of a reflector based SAR antenna fed by an array organized in overlapped subarrays, supporting novel multichannel wide-swath SAR architectures, and exploiting multiple beams in both azimuth and range/elevation directions. In the letter, a hybrid analog/digital beamforming on reception with analog beamforming approach on transmission is analyzed. The antenna system consists of a large oversize reflector with a feedarray capable of generating multiple beams on receive for digital processing. In the letter, a description of the hybrid SAR Instrument is presented, describing the characteristics of the system, the antenna, the considered feedarray options and the main characteristics and system performances.