Potential exit from the eurozone : the case of Spain
published in
publication date
- December 2015
start page
- 335
end page
- 377
- 2
- 22
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1080-0727
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1543-0367
According to a recent opinion poll that covered seven members of the
Eurozone, Spain would be the Member State of this group that is most in
favor of leaving the euro. In this public opinion context, and above all since
the summer of 2012, debate has been growing in this country about the
prospects of its exiting the European Monetary Union. In this article I
argue that there are good reasons for taking this debate seriously. Using
Spain as a case study, I analyze what the determinants of this decision
could be. In particular, I analyze the economic determinants that could
condition a decision in this direction. I conclude that in the current
ViWXaWion, a EXUo]one membeU·V deciVion to leave the common currency
would be conditioned, in economic terms, above all by time and fairness.
Therefore, a key element that a member of the Eurozone would have to take
into account when considering whether to leave the euro would be twofold:
1) the extent to which this decision would prompt a faster adjustment; and
2) the extent that exiting would cause a fairer distribution of the costs of the
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