The "muting" of the stability and growth pact
published in
publication date
- November 2021
start page
- 73
end page
- 90
- 23
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1528-8870
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2049-7636
This article proposes the 'muting” of the SGP, the framework of rules that the EU has
implemented since the coming into being of the European Monetary Union in the fiscal
domain. It is argued herein that the system is far from being credible, from the
perspective of the law-as-credibility paradigm. Therefore, the legal condition of the
SGP should be 'muted”. Three proposals to legally mute the SGP are examined in
this article. The Open Method of Coordination is used as a useful model that could
be followed from now on in the EU fiscal field. The gains in terms of legal credibility
would argue in favour of the muting of the SGP and its correlative conversion into an
OMC-like system.
- Law
- stability and growth pact; eu fiscal rules; credibility; legitimacy; law as credibility; open method of coordination; naming; shaming; faming; blanchard; rules; discretion; financial; markets