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Solution blow spinning (SBS), is used to prepare biocompatible fibrousmaterials based on poly-ε- caprolactone (PCL), modified with collagen.Materials with different compositions in terms of collagen are prepared. Structure, morphology, topography, wettability behavior, and cytotoxicityare studied in order to investigate the potentiality of these materials formedical applications in the field of tissue repairing and regeneration. Struc-ture is studied by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, morphologyby scanning electron microscopy, topography by optical profilometry andwettability behavior by contact angle measurements. The addition of smallamounts of collagen to PCL by SBS can induce important variations in themorphology and topography of the materials that, in turns, lead to changesin the wettability behavior and ability ofHaCatcells adhesion and prolifer-ation. The analysis of surface characteristics together with the use of amodel based on mats constituted by cylinders disposed perpendicularly toeach other point out that, under the compositions considered, the main fac-tor leading to higher adhesion and proliferation of cells on thePCL/collagen is the presence of more available surface area.
Biology and Biomedicine
biomedical applications; fibers; morphology; surfaces and interfaces; synthesis and processing techniques