CODEBAR - Comparisons in DEcentralised BARgaining: towards new relations between trade unions and works councils Projects uri icon


  • European Research Project


  • VS/2020/0111

date/time interval

  • April 1, 2020 - August 31, 2022


  • The project CODEBAR (Comparisons in decentralised bargaining: towards new
    configurations between trade unions and works councils) will address, from a multidisciplinary and multi-level governance perspective, the social partners response to downward pressures on the locus of collective bargaining and the subsequent increasing involvement of workplace bodies of employee representation in eight EU Member States: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Ireland (and a Eastern European and Scandinavian country). CODEBAR will address also the strategic actions of - and new relationships between - trade unions and works councils (or other workplace bodies of employee representation) regarding partnerships - or conflicts - in company bargaining on terms and conditions of employment in these six countries. The project will disseminate the results of these analyses among social partners and policy makers at EU, national, sector and company level to stimulate information exchange and social dialogue on company bargaining and on (innovative) partnership co-operations between trade unions and works councils or other workplace bodies of employee representation.


  • bargaining; decentralised bargaining; trade unions; works councils; collective bargaining; employee representation.