Sobre "Feminismo y arte latinoamericano. Historias de artistas que emanciparon el cuerpo" = On "Feminism and Latin American Art. Stories of Artists who emancipated the body" [book review] Articles uri icon

publication date

  • July 2020

start page

  • 115

end page

  • 118


  • 2

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 2530-6863


  • La historiadora del arte, investigadora y curadora Andrea Giunta publica su volumen Feminismo y arte latinoamericano. Historias de artistas que emanciparon el cuerpo como una forma de recoger, reconocer y revisar, desde las luchas feministas del presente, las historias y obras de diversas artistas latinoamericanas que, en los años setenta y ochenta, repensaron una manera de definir y resituar sus cuerpos (como artistas, como mujeres). Su objetivo no es limitarse a la catalogación histórica, sino contribuir a las múltiples prácticas transformativas que se llevan haciendo desde las últimas décadas en Argentina y América Latina. = The art historian, researcher and curator Andrea Giunta has published her last volume Feminism and Latin American Art. Stories of artists who emancipated the body. The aim of the book is to collect, recognize and rewrite, from feminist struggles of the present, the stories and works of the Latin American artists who, in the 70s and 80s, thought a way to redefine their bodies (as artists, as women). With the purpose, not only of writing a historical catalogue, but also of contributing to the multiple transformative practices that have been taking place during the last decades in Argentina and other nearby latitudes.


  • Information Science