Spark plasma sintering of a multilayer thermal barrier coating on Inconel 738 superalloy: microstructural development and hot corrosion behavior Articles uri icon


  • Pakseresht, Amir Hosein
  • Javadi, Amir Hosein
  • Khodabakhshi, Farhad
  • Simchi, Abdolreza

publication date

  • February 2016

start page

  • 2770

end page

  • 2779


  • 2


  • 42

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0272-8842

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1873-3956


  • In the present work, spark plasma sintering (SPS) process was employed to prepare a nanostructured yttria-stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) coating on a nickel-based superalloy (INCONEL 738) with functionally graded structure. A stack layer of INCONEL
    38/NiCrAlY powder/Al foil/ NiCrAlY þYSZ powder/YSZ powder was SPSed in a graphite die at an applied pressure of 40 MPa under an vacuum atmosphere (8 Pa). The sintering temperature was 1040 1C. For comparison purpose, the air plasma spray (APS) technique was employed to prepare the thermal barrier coating (TBC). Microstructural studies by scanning electron microscopy showed that the SPSed coating was sound and free of interfacial cracks and large pores. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy determined a limited inter-diffusion between the layers. A significant improvement ( 26%) in the Vickers micro-hardness was also measured. In order to examine the functionality of the coatings, hot corrosion test was performed at 1050 1C in a molten bath of Na2SO4 and V2O5 (45 to 55 weight ratio). The results showed that spallation occurred after 12 and 20 h for the SPSed and APS coatings, respectively.


  • Chemistry
  • Industrial Engineering


  • multilayer thermal barrier coating; spark plasma sintering; microstructure; hot corrosion; thermally grown oxide.