A Dramatic Approach to the Self-Concept: Intelligibility and the Second Person
published in
- Human Studies Journal
publication date
- February 2021
start page
- 87
end page
- 102
- 44
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0163-8548
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1572-851X
- Recent works on narrative self-concept still do not pay enough attention to how a person's actions influence her narration. Narrative structures may enable the subject to give meaning and continuity over time to her experience. But also, a person's behavior can make sense of her self-concept. From this perspective, the Narrative Identity Theory might be insufficient for addressing the challenge of making sense of the subject's actions during the interaction itself. The Dramatic Identity Theory's proposal can complement the Narrative Theory on such points. Accordingly, this work will explore the relationship between these two theories in order to explain how the Dramatic Identity Theory can solve these problems, with a proposal based on the analogy between a theater actor's performance and the subject's actions.
- narrative identity; dramatic identity; action; intelligibility; selfconcept