Looking for the rustici: the impact of rescue archaeology on the study of the Roman countryside. Michel Reddè (ed.). Gallia Rustica. 1, Les campagnes du Nord-Est de la Gaule, de la fin de l'a¿ge du fer a¿ l'antiquite¿ tardive (Mémoires 49, Ausonius Éditions; Bordeaux). Pp. 868 + online annexe. ISBN 9782356132062 [Book review]
published in
- Journal of Roman Archaeology Journal
publication date
- October 2019
start page
- 765
end page
- 771
- 32
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1047-7594
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1063-4304