Il conflitto vita contro vita nel diritto penale
published in
- Ricerche giuridiche Journal
publication date
- June 2019
start page
- 7
end page
- 38
- 1
- 8
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2281-6100
- Two models of conflicts between lives can be distinguished. Both act astwo levels in resolving a case: only if the first one fails it moves to the second one. The first is the state of objective necessity. It is objective because it is based on a favourable weighing and because this weighing allows the justified intervention of external third parties. This would include communities sharing a danger and extreme cases such as the prevention of massacres. The second is the state of subjective necessity (personal). It is personal because it lacks a favourable weigh and is based, exclusively, on the unenforceability of another behaviour.
- Law
- exculpation; unenforceability of other behaviour suicide; personal justification; weighting between lives; massacre; community of danger