Optimal sales-mix and generation plan in a two-stage electricity market
published in
- Energy Economics Journal
publication date
- February 2019
start page
- 598
end page
- 614
- 78
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0140-9883
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1873-6181
- A bi-level stochastic programming problem is used to model the optimal decision of a risk averse electricity producer, interacting in a two-stage market with cost minimizer competitors. His decision variables include the distribution of production (which plant of different technologies and variable costs to operate) and the sales-mix (how much generation to commit to bilateral contracts and spot market). To enhance computation times, the bi-level problem is transformed into a Mixed-Integer Linear Problem (MILP) by applying sophisticated linearization techniques. Electricity demand, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) generation and production costs are different sources of uncertainty. A copula method is used to generate scenarios under different correlations values (between RES generation and demand), to analyze the impact of correlation on the optimal solution. The model is tested through extensive numerical simulations based on data from the Spanish electricity market. The results show that correlation and risk aversion have a relevant impact on how sales-mix and generation plan decisions should combine optimally.
- cvar; demand uncertainty; electricity industry; futures market; renewable uncertainty; risk aversion; spot market