Material and structural behaviour of PMMA from low temperatures to over the glass transition: Quasi-static and dynamic loading Articles uri icon


  • Bendarma, A.
  • Bernier, R.
  • Klosak, M.
  • Bahi, S.

publication date

  • January 2020

start page

  • 106263


  • 81

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0142-9418

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1873-2348


  • This work aims at characterizing the mechanical behaviour of polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) under high velocity impact conditions over a wide range of testing temperatures. To this end, the mechanical response at uniaxial compression is studied for both quasi-static and dynamic conditions covering testing temperatures below, at and above glass transition. A pseudo-brittle to ductile transition in the failure of PMMA is observed at a threshold that depends on testing temperature and strain rate. This analysis allows for the interpretation of the perforation impact tests and to explain the principal deformation and failure mechanisms. To complete the study, the Richeton model to predict yielding is revisited. Finally, we provide a new constitutive model for finite deformations to further identify the deformation mechanisms governing the mechanical behaviour of PMMA and the influence of temperature and strain rate on them.


  • constitutive modelling; glass transition; impact behaviour; pmma; polymer