Wavelet-based detection of transcriptional activity on a novel Staphylococcus aureus tiling microarray Articles uri icon

publication date

  • September 2012

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 16


  • 1


  • 13

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 1471-2105


  • Abstract: Background:High-density oligonucleotide microarray is an appropriate technology for genomic analysis, and isparticulary useful in the generation of transcriptional maps, ChIP-on-chip studies and re-sequencing of thegenome.Transcriptome analysis of tiling microarray data facilitates the discovery of novel transcripts and theassessment of differential expression in diverse experimental conditions. Although new technologies such asnext-generation sequencing have appeared, microarrays might still be useful for the study of small genomes or forthe analysis of genomic regions with custom microarrays due to their lower price and good accuracy in expressionquantification.


  • appropriate technologies; biological analysis; chip on chip; computation time; continuous wavelet transforms; de noising; differential expressions; experimental conditions; genomic analysis; genomic regions; high density oligonucleotide; microarray; model based method; new technologies; next generation sequencing; novel devices; parallel implementations; parameter selection; positive predictive values; proof of principles; s. aureus; sliding window; staphylococcus aureus; structural change, thresholding; tiling microarrays; transcriptional activity; transcriptionally active; transcriptomes; wavelet-based methods; zero-crossings; algorithms; bacteria; genes; oligonucleotides; signal detection; transcription factors; yeast; microarrays; saccharomyces cerevisiae; algorithm; article; dna microarray; evaluation; gene expression profiling; genetic transcription; genetics; genomics; statistics; wavelet analysis; oligonucleotide array sequence analysis