Manuscritos caligráficos en fondos antiguos: análisis del ms. Göttingen Schönschriften (ca. 1560) = Calligraphic manuscripts in special collections: analysis of ms. Gottingen Schonschriften (ca. 1560)
published in
- Investigacion Bibliotecologica Journal
publication date
- September 2018
start page
- 149
end page
- 165
- 76
- 32
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0187-358X
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2448-8321
- Main characteristics of the calligraphic manuscript entitled Schonschriften (beautiful writings) discovered in the Historical Library, University of Gottingen (Germany) are analyzed here. A method based on the principles of material description is developed here to find out details of its formal structure, technical and aesthetical calligraphic mastery and historical circumstances of production and use. This example is part of a large tradition of handwriting and penmanship existing during the 16-17th centuries and displays the convenient integration between academic research and calligraphic practice to achieve improvements in the specialized training on paleography skills of staff responsible for special collections.
- Library Science and Documentation
- calligraphy; material description; paleography; special collections