Beating pattern in radiation-induced oscillatory magnetoresistance in 2DES: Coupling of plasmon-like and acoustic phonon modes Articles
published in
- Applied Physics Letters Journal
publication date
- May 2018
- 112
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0003-6951
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1077-3118
- We present a microscopic theory on the observation of a beating pattern in the radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations at a very low magnetic field. We consider that such a beating pattern develops as a result of the coupling between two oscillatory components: the first is a system of electron Landau states being harmonically driven by radiation. The second is a lattice oscillation, i.e., an acoustic phonon mode. We analyze the dependence of the beating pattern on temperature, radiation frequency, and power. We conclude that the beating pattern is an evidence of the radiation-driven nature of the irradiated Landau states that makes them behave as a collective plasma oscillation at the radiation frequency. Thus, the frequency of such plasmons could be tuned from microwave to terahertz in the same nanodevice with an apparent technological application. Published by AIP Publishing.
- Physics