The ten commandments of parallel trade = Los diez mandamientos sobre el comercio paralelo
published in
publication date
- October 2016
start page
- 55
end page
- 76
- 2
- 8
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1989-4570
- Parallel trade is not a new issue, but the problems causes by this phenomenon are current. Parallel importations take place specially related to some products, such as medicines or cosmetics. One of the reasons is because there is prices difference for the same products across Europe. In the present article we will study through ten questions what parallel trade is, why it arises and the legal problems it causes regarding mainly three disciplines such as industrial property, competition law and unfair competition.
- parallel trade; trade mark; exhaustion; pharmaceutical products; free rider; comercio paralelo; marca; agotamiento; productos farmacéuticos; distribuidor independiente