The swan song of the Female Section of FET y de las JONS (Falangist Party)
published in
- Ayer Journal
publication date
- January 2016
start page
- 121
end page
- 143
- 102
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1134-2277
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2255-5838
- Under the Francoist dictatorship, the Female Section of FET y de las JONS (SF) was the main instrument used by the regime to impose its gender policy. The power and the influence of the female organization was not consistent over the dictatorship. From the 1950s onwards there was a growing distance between the real social situation and the guidelines of falangism. Different actions were undertaken in order to ease the lack of understanding between SF and the Spanish women, actions that want beyond the legal initiatives in other areas and the promotion of meetings as the International Woman Year. But these actions were only attempts to survive in a difficult context for the SF during the last years of franquism. The objective of this study is to analyse these processes and strategies and the role of the SF.
- franco dictatorship; women; female section of fet y de las jons; legislation; international woman year