Wireless corner: RFID-based traceability along the food-production chain Articles uri icon


  • Cuiñas, Íñigo
  • Newman, Robert M.
  • Trebar, Mira
  • Catarinucci, Luca
  • Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro

publication date

  • April 2014

start page

  • 196

end page

  • 207


  • 2


  • 56

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 1045-9243

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1558-4143


  • This contribution explains and analyzes the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) for defining a complete traceability system applied to the food-production chain. The paper contains a summary of the actual work developed to test the ability of radio technologies to perform traceability at different food companies in a variety of sectors: wine, fish, and meat. Each pilot experience is explained, with special emphasis on the radio segment implemented by RFID technologies and sensors, whether connected by wired or as elements of a wireless sensor network. The application of the new RFID-based system at the three investigated sectors, and the return on investment that the companies could obtain by its usage, are the core of the paper. © 2014 IEEE.


  • chains; food technology; industry; internet of things; supply chain management; wireless sensor networks; food companies; from farm to fork; radio technologies; rfid technology; traceability; traceability systems; radio frequency identification (rfid);food technology; from farm to fork; radiofrequency identification; rfid; supply chain management; traceability; wireless sensor networks