World policy battles on pharmaceutical patent protection : micro-history of a forum shift and its legal implications
published in
publication date
- March 2013
start page
- 217
end page
- 228
- 1
- 5
full text
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1989-4570
- The internationalization of intellectual property protection was subject to a historical forum shift from WIPO to WTO in the 90s under the pressure of technology-exporting countries and their IP constituencies: the TRIPs agreement was its product. However, the agreement was designed to ratchet up global IP standards under a narrow regulatory structure based on mere phase-ins, and without considering social realities such as the eventual lack of pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity in many developing countries (article 31.f). As a result, technology-exporting and technology-importing countries are immersed in a tense ongoing re-regulatory process aiming to secure TRIPS inner "flexibilities", under the banner of access to affordable medicines in the developing world.
- regulación; propiedad intelectual; flexibilidades; patentes farmaceúticas; acceso a medicamentos; genéricos; comercio; regulation; intellectual property; flexibilities; pharmaceutical patents; access to medicines; generics; trade