Something rational in the state of Denmark? : the case of an outsider in the Cobden-Chevalier network, 1860&-1875
published in
publication date
- June 2011
start page
- 128
end page
- 148
- 59
- 2
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0358-5522
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1750-2837
- We examine the case of an important outsider to the Cobden-Chevalier networkof bilateral treaties in the second half of the nineteenth century. We attempt toexplain this through a study of the structure of Danish trade and protection. Wedemonstrate, in contrast to previous accounts that have considered Danish tradepolicy somewhat irrational, that Denmark was right to remain outside. She hadlittle to gain from concluding treaties, since her main trading partners offered freetrade for her exports, agricultural goods, and she needed her own tariffs forrevenue purposes