La revisión siempre abierta de la V Republica francesa a través de su reformas constitucionales
published in
- Cuadernos de Derecho Público Journal
publication date
- December 2008
start page
- 225
end page
- 246
- 34-35
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1138-2848
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1989-8967
- The 1958 French Constitution has been modified 24 times during 50 years of life. Really, some of these reforms are basic for the configuration of the form of Government. We can answer the question about if France walks towards a new political system, or it is immersed in a political system different from the system dreamed by General De Gaulle, only analyzing the scope of the realized reforms, especially the last one. But the object of this study is to answer a previous question, which refers to the qualification of the French Constitution as rigid or as flexible depending on her resistance to the modifications. The exclusive mention of the number of reviews induces to believe that the level of resistance of the fundamental French norm is not excessive, but a deeper analysis forces us to check this conclusion once will be analyzed the procedural mechanisms of constitutional reform and the material content of all these reforms.