Dream of Light: Erice, Kiarostami and the History of Cinema
published in
- Studies in Hispanic cinemas Journal
publication date
- January 2009
start page
- 99
end page
- 110
- 2
- 6
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1478-0488
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2040-0608
- For as much as the audiovisual linkages between Victor Erice and Abbas Kiarostami have merited critical attention since the 2006 Barcelona exposition Erice-Kiarostami: Correspondencias, there have been few efforts to reconstitute the notable affinities between these two film-makers beyond the explicit convergences in their respective works. Nonetheless, numerous underlying similarities are to be discerned from the earliest stages of their respective careers, particularly in relation to their concerns for ways of seeing and the peculiar manner in which the two artists relate both to the audiovisual culture that nourishes them and, ultimately, to the very history of cinema. A review of the fascinating points of connection between Erice's and Kiarostami's respective cinematic projects is the object of the present study.