Experimental Investigation on the Quality Improvement of Low-Power Gain-Switching Diode Laser Picosecond Pulses using a Compact Highly Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
published in
publication date
- May 2010
start page
- 55004
- 5
- 49
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0091-3286
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1560-2303
The experimental work presented in this paper investigates the quality improvement of gain-switched (GS) sources. GS is a straightforward technique to achieve short pulses from diode lasers; however, such
pulses exhibit long duration (10&-100 ps),
low power (in the milliwatt range), are asymmetric and are often
generated along with pedestals or subpulses. Simultaneous compression
and reshaping of these low quality pulses has been observed
experimentally for several input power values. These effects have been
achieved using a highly nonlinear optical-loop mirror, based on a
microstructured optical fiber and a nonlinear semiconductor optical
amplifier. It is designed to be compact and to directly process these
complex pulses thus eliminating the requirement for prepulse
conditioning. This offers overall benefits in terms of reduced system
complexity. The quality of the pulses is characterized by their temporal
width, pedestal height, duration, and spectral components. A maximum
overall compression factor of 6 for a 10-mW
average input power is observed. Additionally, the pulses obtained are
observed to have improved quality for the input power range considered (500 muW to 30 mW,
GS typical operational range) and the experimental scheme used
preserves the compactness, efficiency, and simplicity of GS light