Bairoch Revisited: Tariff Structure and Growth in the Late Nineteenth Century
published in
publication date
- April 2010
start page
- 111
end page
- 143
- 1
- 14
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1361-4916
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1474-0044
This article revisits Bairoch's hypothesis that in the late nineteenth century tariffs were positively associated with growth, as recently confirmed by a new generation of quantitative studies (see O'Rourke
2000; Jacks 2006; Clemens and Williamson 2002, 2004). This article
highlights the importance of the structure of protection in the relation
between trade policy and its potential growth-promoting impact.
Evidence is based on a new database on industrial tariffs for the 1870s.
The results show that income, factor endowment and policy independence
are important for explaining regional asymmetries between tariffs and
growth. At a global level, increased protection, measured by total and
average tariffs on manufactures, implied more unskilled inefficient
protection and less growth, and this is especially true for the poor
countries in the late nineteenth century. Protection was only positive
for a 'rich club' if we include in this group new settler countries,
which grew rapidly in the late nineteenth century and imposed high
tariffs mainly for fiscal reasons.