Vulcanismo histórico y cambio agrario en el siglo XVIII: los enarenados de Lanzarote (Islas Canarias) = Historical Volcanism and Agrarian Change in the 18(th) Century: The 'Enarenados' of Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
published in
- Historia Agraria Journal
publication date
- December 2009
start page
- 41
end page
- 71
- 49
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1139-1472
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 2340-3659
- This paper studies the agrarian change occurred in Lanzarote after the volcanic eruptions in 1730-1735. Population censuses and tax records are the main sources. This island lacks in water resources and is extremely arid. Its islanders grow cereal and practice extensive cattle farming, and migrations were frequent in drought years. The agrarian change caused by the volcanoes transformed this land management model. The lavas destroyed a part of the arable soil and the rest was covered by a thick layer of volcanic sand (lapilli) which, thanks to its hygroscopic effect, helped certain plants sprout again and grow more vigorously. Natural enarenado had come into being. The islanders proceeded to develop this technique, what allowed them to cultivate species (vine, corn, potato) that had previously been severely limited by the dry terrain.