Field Measurements and Guidelines for the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to the Environment and Security Articles uri icon

publication date

  • December 2009

start page

  • 10309

end page

  • 10325


  • 12


  • 9

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • Frequently, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are designed focusing on applications and omitting transmission problems in these wireless networks. In this paper, we present a measurement campaign that has been carried out using one of the most commonly used WSN platforms, the micaZ from Crossbow© . Based on these measurements, some guidelines to deploy a robust and reliable WSN are provided. The results are focused on security and environmental applications but can also be extrapolated to other scenarios. A main conclusion that can be extracted is that, from the transmission point of view, a dense WSN is one of the best choices to overcome many of the transmission problems such as the existence of a transitional region, redundance, forwarding, obstructions or interference with other systems.