Outputs for PHYSICS Department (Year 2023)
- Advanced Characterization of 1 eV GaInAs Inverted Metamorphic Solar Cells
- Advanced transmission electron microscopy investigation of defect formation in movpe-growth of gap on silicon using arsenic initial coverage
- Amplified nanoscale detection of labeled molecules via surface electrons on diamond.
- An Impedance Study of the Density of States Distribution in Blends of PM6: Y6 in Relation to Barrierless Dissociation of CT States
- Analysis of the ECH effect on EPM/AE stability in Heliotron J plasma using a Landau closure model
- Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using lines with controllable power flow
- Calibration of a Dust Scattering Instrument Using Tomographic Techniques and Its Application to a Dust Sensor Instrument
- Charge-carrier photogeneration in single-component organic carbazole-based semiconductors via low excitation power triplet-triplet annihilation
- Counting photons emitted by a single quantum defect in diamond
- Cross-machine comparison of runaway electron generation during tokamak start-up for extrapolation to ITER
- Development of luminescent Nd-doped LaNbO compound thin film growth by magnetron sputtering for the improvement of solar cells
- Effect of the neutral beam injector operational regime on the Alfven eigenmode saturation phase in DIII-D plasma
- Enhanced confinement induced by pellet injection in the stellarator TJ-II
- Entanglement links and the quasiparticle picture
- Ergotropy and entanglement in critical spin chains
- Geometry-related optical properties in vertically aligned GaAs nanowires arrays: A study of sizes and embedding medium effects
- Linear arrays of InGaAs quantum dots on nanostructured GaAs-on-Si substrates
- Linear arrays of InGaAs quantum dots on nanostructured Si virtual substrates
- Microstructural, chemical, and mechanical characterization of extruded Al-Cu-Li rods
- Microstructure-driven annihilation effects and dispersive excited state dynamics in solid-state films of a model sensitizer for photon energy up-conversion applications
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures
- On Earth's habitability over the Sun's main-sequence history: Joint influence of space weather and Earth's magnetic field evolution
- Quantum control of tunable-coupling transmons using dynamical invariants of motion
- Rational surfaces, flows and radial structure in the TJ-II stellarator
- SbSeI and SbSeBr micro-columnar solar cells by a novel high pressure-based synthesis process
- Slow-mode rarefaction and compression fronts in the Hermean magnetosphere: From MESSENGER insights to future BepiColombo observations
- Study of Alfvén eigenmode stability in Quasi-Poloidal Stellarator (QPS) plasma using a Landau closure model
- Terahertz-induced oscillations in encapsulated graphene
- The Restricted Boltzmann Machine Ansatz through Adiabiatic Routes
- The effect of pellet injection on turbulent transport in TJ-II
- Use of intrinsic hysteresis for the active control of internal transport barriers in magnetically confined fusion plasmas
Conference Contributions
- Non-Hermitian topological disclination defect in a valley-Hall sonic lattice
- Plasmonic Ag-LiNbO_3 metamaterial: A study of dielectric and optical properties
- Preliminary CFD simulations of a lab-scale novel design of a particle receiver for CSP applications
- Secondary phase formation in an ODS ferritic steel after thermal aging
- Spectrally Selective Multilayer Coating System to Improve the Thermo-Optical Properties of New-Designed Particle Receiver for Concentrated Solar Power Plant.
- Contrato para actividades de asesoría científica - Sensia Solutions
- Microscopio electrónico de transmisión con sistema EELS y EFTEM para la caracterización estructural y composicional de materiales y dispositivos para 5G+
- Simulación y Modelado de áreas críticas de física en el proyecto ITER. - UC3M4ITER