Outputs for COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department (Year 2023)
- A novel approach for large-scale environmental data partitioning on cloud and on-premises storage for compute continuum applications
- A scalable simulator for cloud, fog and edge computing platforms with mobility support
- A survey on machine learning for recurring concept drifting data streams
- A technical characterization of APTs by leveraging public resources
- ABANICCO: A New Color Space for Multi-Label Pixel Classification and Color Analysis
- ADVISE: ADaptive feature relevance and VISual Explanations for convolutional neural networks
- Agile Delphi methodology: A case study on how technology impacts burnout syndrome in the post-pandemic era
- An analysis of fake social media engagement services
- Análisis de respuestas enriquecidas en Google
- Artificial neural network model to predict student performance using nonpersonal information
- Assessing the maturity of the current global system for combating financial and cyber fraud
- Automated market maker inventory management with deep reinforcement learning
- Automatic music emotion classification model for movie soundtrack subtitling based on neuroscientific premises
- BIoTS-Path: Certification Transmission of Supply Chains Based on Blockchain-Internet of Things Architectures by Validating the Information Path
- Backcrossing with Marker Assistance to Introduce Broad-Spectrum Bacterial Leaf Blight Resistance in the Malaysian Elite Variety MR297
- CD/CV: Blockchain-based schemes for continuous verifiability and traceability of IoT data for edge-fog-cloud
- CONEqNet: convolutional music equalizer network
- Challenges and Opportunities for Education Systems with the Current Movement toward Digitalization at the Time of COVID-19
- Challenges and Opportunities of Agriculture Digitalization in Spain
- Company Cybersecurity System: Assessment, Risks and Expectations
- Consideraciones técnicas y jurídicas para la automatización de la actuación administrativa de los entes locales
- Correlation between performance and quantity/variability of leg exploration in a contingency learning task during infancy
- Corrigendum to 'IoT application for energy poverty detection based on thermal comfort monitoring' [Heliyon 9 (1) (January 2023) Article e12943] (Heliyon (2023) 9(1), (S2405844023001500), (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e12943))
- Cybersecurity in the digital world
- Designing mobile technologies to encourage civic engagement: The role of situated motivational affordances
- Designing user interfaces for content simplification aimed at people with cognitive impairments.
- Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling using malleable application clones
- Digital transformation in organizational health and safety to mitigate Burnout Syndrome
- Do IT users behave responsibly in terms of cybercrime protection?
- EASIER corpus: A lexical simplification resource for people with cognitive impairments
- ECG Identification Based on the Gramian Angular Field and Tested with Individuals in Resting and Activity States
- Evaluating the spread of Omicron COVID-19 variant in Spain
- Evaluation of 5G and Fixed-Satellite Service Earth Station (FSS-ES) Downlink Interference Based on Artificial Neural Network Learning Models (ANN-LMS)
- Evaluation of user response by using visual cues designed to direct the viewer's attention to the main scene in an immersive environment
- Exploring multisensory integration of non¿naturalistic sounds on body perception in young females with eating disorders symptomatology: a study protocol
- Fine-tuning and evaluation of DialoGPT on several datasets of English movies and TV series subtitles
- Graphical Contents and Health Websites Readability
- HEFactory: A symbolic execution compiler for privacy-preserving Deep Learning with Homomorphic Encryption
- How Will It Drape Like?. Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images
- Improving Solar Radiation Nowcasts by Blending Data-Driven, Satellite-Images-Based and All-Sky-Imagers-Based Models Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Intercorporeal Biofeedback for Movement Learning
- Interoperable, smart, and sustainable urban energy systems
- Iot application for energy poverty detection based on thermal comfort monitoring
- Kunai: A static analysis framework for Android apps
- Machine Ethics: Do Androids Dream of Being Good People?
- Malicious uses of blockchains by malware: from the analysis to Smart-Zephyrus
- Mixed Signals: Analyzing Software Attribution Challenges in the Android Ecosystem
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures
- Monitoring InfiniBand networks to react efficiently to congestion
- On the building of efficient self-adaptable health data science services by using dynamic patterns
- On the feasibility of predicting volumes of fake news- the Spanish case
- Pain Level and Pain-Related Behaviour Classification Using GRU-Based Sparsely-Connected RNNs
- Pareto optimal prediction intervals with hypernetworks
- Perception of innovation in Spain
- Personalized monitoring of circulating tumor DNA with a specific signature of trackable mutations after chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in follicular lymphoma patients
- Point cloud voxel classification of aerial urban LiDAR using voxel attributes and random forest approach
- Promoting cooperation of agents through aggregation of services in trust models
- PuzzleMesh: A Puzzle Model to Build Mesh of Agnostic Services for Edge-Fog-Cloud
- Real-life disease monitoring in follicular lymphoma patients using liquid biopsy ultra-deep sequencing and PET/CT
- Relational Marketing Promotes Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Renewable Energy Production
- Seamless Transition From Machine Learning on the Cloud to Industrial Edge Devices With Thinger.io
- SeamlessGAN: Self-Supervised Synthesis of Tileable Texture Maps
- Socio-economic profiles of countries-cybercrime victims
- Stress Detection Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Wrist-Measured Electrodermal Activity
- Synchro-Sub, an adaptive multi-algorithm framework for real-time subtitling synchronisation of multi-type TV programmes
- The Horizontal Rain-Cell Span and Wind Impact on Multisite Diversity Scheme in a Tropical Region during El-Niño and La-Niña
- Think-4-EmCoDe framework: Highlighting key qualities in embodied co-design techniques for children
- Toward a Model to Evaluate Machine-Processing Quality in Scientific Documentation and Its Impact on Information Retrieval
- Towards a Method to Enable the Selection of Physical Models within the Systems Engineering Process: A Case Study with Simulink Models
- Towards a method to quantitatively measure toolchain interoperability in the engineering lifecycle: A case study of digital hardware design
- Towards automated homomorphic encryption parameter selection with fuzzy logic and linear programming
- Towards realistic privacy-preserving deep learning over encrypted medical data
- Trust Model of Privacy-Concerned, Emotionally Aware Agents in a Cooperative Logistics Problem
- Using a privacy-enhanced authentication process to secure IoT-based smart grid infrastructures
- Xel: A cloud-agnostic data platform for the design-driven building of high-availability data science services
- You, me, and us: Maintaining self-other distinction enhances coordination, agency, and affect
Book Chapters
Conference Contributions
- A Methodology for Personalized Dialogues Between Social Robots and Users Based on Social Media
- A Planning Approach to Repair Domains with Incomplete Action Effects
- A data science pipeline synchronisation method for edge-fog-cloud continuum
- A new Ad-Hoc parallel file system for HPC environments based on the Expand parallel file system
- Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale
- Body x Materials: A workshop exploring the role of material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences
- Characterizing the MasterPrint threat on Android devices with capacitive sensors
- Co-designing sensory feedback to transform body sensations to support overcoming barriers to physical activity.
- Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods: a Practice-based Characterization
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps
- Edu-larp @ CHI
- Eliminating Redundant Actions from Plans Using Classical Planning
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Digitalization: Relationship and Synergy of Development
- Exascale programing models for extreme data processing
- Factors Affecting the Reliability of Information: The Case of ChatGPT
- In the Room Where It Happens: Characterizing Local Communication and Threats in Smart Homes
- Intelligent and Sustainable Transportation through Multi-Objective Model for the Logistic Route-Order Dispatching System
- Joakinator: An Interface for Transforming Body Movement and Perception through Machine Learning and Sonification of Muscle-Tone and Force
- Malleable techniques and resource scheduling to improve energy efficiency in parallel applications
- On Futuring Body Perception Transformation Technologies: Roles, Goals and Values
- Technology, Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play
- The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC
- Towards Advancing Body Maps as Research Tool for Interaction Design
- Towards Smarter Schedulers: Molding Jobs into the Right Shape via Monitoring and Modeling
- Análisis de los patrones de sueño y actividad con técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial
- Asesoramiento en tecnologías de dark web y anonimato
- Asesoría técnica a Ártica PFMS sobre detección de patrones anómalos usando IA
- Atribución y prevención de amenazas con impacto en múltiples colectivos relevantes en ciberseguridad. - APAMCiber
- Ciberseguridad a distancia -CYCAD
- Facilitar la accesibilidad universal de la iluminación navideña en la ciudad de Madrid. Naviluz (Navidad Accesible 2024)
- Festival de Cine Donostia-San Sebastián 2023: Sistema de sobretitulación simultánea para accesibilidad de las Galas de inicio, clausura y un Premio Donostia en castellano, euskera e inglés
- HADA - Investigación de Herramientas de Anotación de Datos Avanzadas
- Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora del modelo de interacción robot-paciente en el Sistema de Robótica Social Asistencial para la rehabilitación funcional y neurológica intensiva de INROBICS. Ayudas para la realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid 2023-Fernando Fernández Rebollo
- Katrina
- MBSE Archive of Traceability artifacts (2023)
- MBSE_Digital_Thread_and_Data_Standards 2023 Q1-Q4
- Modelado de agentes (ABM) como herramienta de estrategia decisiva
- Nuevas técnicas escalables de E/S para cargas de trabajo híbridas de HPC e intensivas en datos. - SCIOT
- Optimización de Código en CUDA para su ejecución en NVIDIA Orin AGX en tiempo real
- Organización y gestión de la mesa redonda Nuevos retos del sector de las telecomunicaciones en España y Europa
- Resolviendo aspectos clave en la ciberseguridad de sistemas IoT personales de los que depende la vida de personas. - VITAL-IoT
- Servicio de accesibilidad para evento de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos. para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI).
- Servicios de Asesoramiento para el análisis del lenguaje administrativo utilizado en. portales web de la Administración Pública
- Servicios para la formación en normalización e interoperabilidad de la documentación clínica de la atención sanitaria - nº de Expediente: 202303CM0008
- Sistema para garantizar condiciones de mínimo riesgo ante fallos de vehículos autónomos: Percepcion para conciencia situacional y simulación del entorno. - SAFE4CAR
- Software product line Optimization for Safety/mission-critical Industrial Systems (SOSIS)
Supervised Theses
- Acceso, usabilidad y accesibilidad de las plataformas SVOD en España (2019-2022)
- Aplicación de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial a la optimización de la calidad de requisitos mediante sugerencias automáticas de mejora
- Applying Hypervisor-Based Fault Tolerance Techniques to Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
- Contributions to improve the technologies supporting unmanned aircraft operations
- Cybersecurity Mechanisms Leveraging Sensorial Data
- Cybersecurity applications of Blockchain technologies
- Marco conceptual para tecnologías cívicas móviles basados en los juegos y la gamificación como factores motivacionales
- Método de identificación de activos de información y conocimiento críticos para la gestión y gobierno de las organizaciones en la era digital
- New techniques to integrate blockchain in Internet of Things scenarios for massive data management
- Towards Improved Homomorphic Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning
- Weakly supervised Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing