Outputs for ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2023)
- A New Method for the Quantification of the Remaining Mineral Oil in Natural-Ester Retrofilled Transformers
- A detailed view of the Adaptive-Comfort-Control-Implementation Script (ACCIS): The capabilities of the automation system for adaptive setpoint temperatures in building energy models
- A fast data-driven topology identification method for dynamic state estimation applications
- A novel method to obtain the offset mho characteristic of memory-polarized and cross-polarized distance functions of protective relays from experimental measurements
- A recursive system identification inertia estimator for traditional and converter-interfaced generators
- An innovative approach to assess the limitations of characterizing solar gains in buildings: A Spanish case study
- Analysing energy poverty in warm climate zones in Spain through artificial intelligence
- Battery Degradation Impact on Long-Term Benefits for Hybrid Farms in Overlapping Markets
- Black-start capability of PV power plants through a grid-forming control based on reactive power synchronization
- Community energy solutions for addressing energy poverty: A local case study in Spain
- Comparison between peak values of induction motor currents" waveforms during nearby three-phase short-circuits and results from standardized calculations
- Development of a Python-based algorithm for adaptive thermal comfort: Theoretical formulation and application cases
- Disconnected, yet in the spotlight: emergency research on extreme energy poverty in the Cañada Real informal settlement, Spain
- Distribution of Currents in 2 × 25 kV Electric Railway Systems under Normal Conditions
- Grid-forming control of doubly-fed induction generators based on the rotor flux orientation
- Hybrid bipolar VSC-DRU HVdc connection for offshore wind farms
- Influence of Load Modeling on the Cost of Ensuring Stability Using TSCOPF
- Is the analysis scale crucial to assess energy poverty? analysis of yearlyand monthly assessments using the 2 M indicator in the south of Spain
- Life Expectancy of Transformer Paper Insulation Retrofilled with Natural Ester in the Laboratory
- Optimal coordination of directional overcurrent protections considering the occurrence probability of different configurations and the effect of grouping cases
- Proximal Policy Optimization for Energy Management of Electric Vehicles and PV Storage Units
- Sequence Control Strategy for Grid-Forming Voltage Source Converters Based on the Virtual-Flux Orientation under Balanced and Unbalanced Faults
- Small-signal stability analysis of the asymmetrical DC operation in HVDC networks
- Study on the contamination rate of mineral oil in natural-ester retrofilled transformers
- Thermo-electro-mechanical aging and degradation of conductive 3D printed PLA/CB composite
- Wavelet Analysis to Detect Ground Faults in Electrical Power Systems with Full Penetration of Converter Interface Generation
Book Chapters
- Damping power system oscillations using grid-forming converters. In: Grid-Forming Power Inverters: Control and Applications
- Grid-forming control of doubly fed induction generators. In: Grid-Forming Power Inverters: Control and Applications
Conference Contributions
- A comparative study on the dielectric properties of mineral oils and natural esters
- A statistical analysis of predictive maintenance tests on synthetic ester-filled railway transformers
- Adapting ENTSO-E network data for power system simulation
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps
- Energy Charging of a fleet of electric vehicles based on Reinforcement Learning
- Frequency support technologies analysis for WECS in the isolated Grid System of Gran Canaria
- Harmonic Propagation in Hybrid Microgrids: A Simulation-based Analysis
- Optimal off-grid photovoltaic production in developing countries during critical months by using optimum tilt
- Two-step optimization algorithm for energy management and active-reactive power commands for real-time operation of hybrid microgrids
- Desarrollo de sistema de conversión de energía electromecánica para sistemas aerotransportados
- Generación de fenómenos de ionización para su medición por métodos ópticos
- Genie. Proof of Concept
- HECATE: Hybrid ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution Technologies
- Impacto de la respuesta de los parques eólicos ante huecos de tensión en el sistema eléctrico de Costa Rica
- Indisponibilidad de Transformadores aplicada a los proyectos Onshore Renovables
- i-STENTORE - innovative Energy Storage TEchnologies TOwards increased Renewables integration and Efficient Operation
Supervised Theses
- Analysis of heterogeneously configured converter stations in HVDC grids under asymmetrical DC operation
- Análisis del impacto de los recursos energéticos distribuidos en sistemas eléctricos aislados con alto índice de penetración renovable
- Control Grid-Forming del Generador Asíncrono Doblemente Alimentado Basado en la Orientación del Flujo del Rótor
- Deep learning and system identification methods applied to power system state estimation
- Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen Systems in Electricity Markets: A Modelling and Optimization Framework with Degradation and Uncertainty Considerations
- Life management of transformers retro-filled with biodegradable insulating fluids
- Optimal power flow under stability constraints with high penetration of converter-interfaced generation
- Protection of Electrical Power Systems with Full Penetration of Converter-Interface Generation