Outputs for COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department (Year 2022)
- A Lesson from AI: Ethics Is Not an Imitation Game
- A Review : Microstrip Fractal antenna geometries
- A Review: Compact Size and Isolation of MIMO Antenna
- A combination of supervised dimensionality reduction and learning methods to forecast solar radiation
- A free mind cannot be digitally transferred
- A super-resolution enhancement of UAV images based on a convolutional neural network for mobile devices
- A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms
- A taxonomy for similarity metrics between Markov decision processes
- AWS PredSpot: Machine Learning for Predicting the Price of Spot Instances in AWS Cloud
- An approach to forecasting and filtering noise in dynamic systems using LSTM architectures
- An instance-based-learning simulation model to predict knowledge assets evolution involved in potential digital transformation projects
- Application of smooth fuzzy model in image denoising and edge detection
- Assessment of COVID-19's impact on EdTech: Case study on an educational platform, architecture and teachers' experience
- Automatic Text Summarization for Hindi Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm
- Benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies when liquidity is a factor
- Benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies when liquidity is a factor
- Body weight distortions in an auditory-driven body illusion in subclinical and clinical eating disorders
- Challenging the security of "A PUF-based hardware mutual authentication protocol"
- Combinatorial versus sequential auctions to allocate PPP highway projects
- Comparative analysis between a respeaking captioning system and a captioning system without human intervention
- Comparing Visual Representations of Collaborative Map Interfaces for Immersive Virtual Environments
- Computer-aided diagnostic for classifying chest X-ray images using deep ensemble learning
- Connecting citizens with urban environments through an augmented reality pervasive game
- Correction to: Comparative analysis between a respeaking captioning system and a captioning system without human intervention
- Countering Cybercrime Risks in Financial Institutions: Forecasting Information Trends
- Datos enlazados para el análisis de la literatura grecolatina = Linked data for the Greek and Latin literatura analysis
- Deep neural networks for the quantile estimation of regional renewable energy production
- Defending Industry 4.0: An Enhanced Authentication Scheme for IoT Devices
- Detection of kinase domain mutations in BCR::ABL1 leukemia by ultra-deep sequencing of genomic DNA
- Direct estimation of prediction intervals for solar and wind regional energy forecasting with deep neural networks
- Disambiguating Clinical Abbreviations Using a One-Fits-All Classifier Based on Deep Learning Techniques
- Driver Drowsiness Detection by Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Sequences of Images
- Dynamic Response Assesment Combining Liquid Biopsy MRD and PET/CT in Follicular Lymphoma Patients Including CAR-T Cell Therapy
- EASIER System. Evaluating a Spanish Lexical Simplification Proposal with People with Cognitive Impairments
- ECGsound for human identification
- ELEKTRA: ELEKTRokardiomatrix application to biometric identification with convolutional neural networks
- Editor's Note [Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Economics, Finance and Business]
- Editorial: Towards Exascale Solutions for Big Data Computing
- Effects of pitch and musical sounds on body¿representations when moving with sound
- Electricity market integration and impact of renewable energy sources in the Central Western Europe region: Evolution since the implementation of the Flow-Based Market Coupling mechanism
- Engaging educators in the ideation of scenarios for cross-reality game-based learning experiences
- Error Reduction in Vision-Based Multirotor Landing System
- Estimación del impacto de la vacunación frente a la COVID-19 en la población infantil de 5-11 años
- Evaluation of vaccination strategies for the metropolitan area of Madrid via agent-based simulation
- Evolving Gaussian on-line clustering in social network analysis
- Exploring deep learning methods for recognizing rare diseases and their clinical manifestations from texts
- Extensive pharmacokinetic variability of Levetiracetam. ¿Are doctors aware?
- Eye movements and eating disorders: protocol for an exploratory experimental study examining the relationship in young¿adult women with subclinical symptomatology
- Feature Based Automatic Text Summarization Methods: A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Survey
- FedFlow: a federated platform to build secure sharing and synchronization services for health dataflows
- Identifying key relationships between nation-state cyberattacks and geopolitical and economic factors: A model
- Investigating psychological variables for technologies promoting physical activity
- Knowledge tools to organise software engineering Data: Development and validation of an ontology based on ECSS standard
- LIMITLESS - LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems
- LIPSNN: A Light Intrusion-Proving Siamese Neural Network Model for Facial Verification
- MAMOM: Multicriteria Attribution Model for Online Marketing
- MCO plan: Efficient coverage mission for multiple micro aerial vehicles modeled as agents
- Mechanistic interrogation of mutation-independent disease modulators of RDEB identifies the small leucine-rich proteoglycan PRELP as a TGF-beta antagonist and inhibitor of fibrosis
- Methods, data sources and applications of the Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Poverty context: A review
- Multimodal Fake News Detection
- Optimization of code caves in malware binaries to evade machine learning detectors
- Predicciones de tres modelos matemáticos en relación a la estrategia de vacunación frente a la COVID-19 en España, junio de 2021
- Readability of Non-text Images on the World Wide Web (WWW)
- Scramblesuit: An effective timing side-channels framework for malware sandbox evasion
- Segmentation optimization in trajectory-based ship classification
- Semiótica, computación, mecanicismo y libertad : ¿Un argumento semiótico en favor de la existencia de Dios? = Semiotics, Computation, Mechanical Philosophy and Freedom : A Semiotic Argument for the Existence of God?
- Simulation in real conditions of navigation and obstacle avoidance with PX4/Gazebo platform
- Smooth Compositions Made Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems: Easy and More Robust
- Special Issue on Concepts, Modelling, and Applications of Fast Learning Using Soft Computing : Guest Editorial Preface
- State Estimation Fusion for Linear Microgrids over an Unreliable Network
- The RareDis corpus: A corpus annotated with rare diseases, their signs and symptoms
- The influence of the knowledge management processes on results in basic education schools
- Valuable business knowledge asset discovery by processing unstructured data
Book Chapters
- CLARC: Robotic Platform to Assist the CGA Evaluation in Elderly Patients. In: Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society
- Machine learning for smart tourism and retail. In: Research Anthology on Machine Learning Techniques, Methods, and Applications
- Sensing the body through sound. In: The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness
- ¿Pueden aprender ética las máquinas como lo hacen los seres humanos?. In: Sociedad Tecnológica y Futuro Humano
Conference Contributions
- 'See with the app's eyes what your real eyes cannot see': design potentials for Mobile Augmented Reality at home
- A Proposal of Mobility Support for the SimGrid Toolkit: Application to IoT simulations
- A nested decision tree for event detection in smart grids
- Anywear Academy: A Larp-based Camp to Inspire Computational Interest in Middle School Girls
- As light as your footsteps: design and evaluation of a portable device for changing body perception through a sound illusion
- Contrastive Learning for Simulation-to-Real Domain Adaptation of LiDAR Data
- Convergence of HPC and Big Data in extreme-scale data analysis through the DCEx programming model
- Democratizing the computational environmental marine data science: using the High-Performance Cloud-Native Computing for inert transport and diffusion Lagrangian modelling
- Detecting Interference Between Applications and Improving the Scheduling Using Malleable Application Proxies
- Discovering traces between textual requirements and logical models in the functional design of Printed Circuit Boards
- Ejercicios y casos prácticos de optimización discreta
- Electric ambulance routing based on heuristic cost-based planners in pandemic situations
- Error reduction in autonomous multirotor vision-based landing system with helipad context
- Evaluating the spread of Omicron COVID-19 variant in Spain
- Event-triggered Robust Output Feedback Controller for a Networked Roll Control System
- Examining the trends and operations of modern Dark-Web marketplaces
- Exploring CyBOK with Topic Modeling Techniques
- Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment
- Exploring and Materialising Bodily Experiences of Security through Lenses of Feminist HCI practices
- Exploring the Affordances of Immersive Visualization Spaces: A Use Case About COVID-19
- Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming
- Eye-based keystroke prediction for natural texts - a feasibility analysis
- Fuzzy Based Model for Students Debar Policy in Indian Engineering Institutes
- IMSS: In-Memory Storage System for Data Intensive Applications
- IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning
- IXCI:The Immersive eXperimenter Control Interface
- Image Relevance on Websites and Readability
- Improving Congestion Control through Fine-Grain Monitoring of InfiniBand Networks
- Incorporating reinforcement learning for quality-aware sample selection in deep architecture training
- Jupyter: Aprendizaje interactivo y colaborativo del Lenguaje R
- Move to Design: Tactics and Challenges of Playful Movement-based Interaction Designers' Experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Multi-bed stitching tool for 3D computed tomography accelerated by GPU devices
- New reconstruction methodology for chest tomosynthesis based on deep learning
- On the building of self-adaptable systems to efficiently manage medical data
- Readability of Graphical Contents on World Wide Web (WWW)
- Requirements and design patterns for an accessible video conferencing tool
- SeRSS: a storage mesh architecture to build serverless reliable storage services
- Sistema de almacenamiento Ad-Hoc para entornos HPC basado en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand
- Towards an extensible privacy analysis framework for Smart Homes
- Towards the reuse of physical models within the development life-cycle: a case study of Simulink model
- Uso de herramientas de aprendizaje automático para la detección precoz del fracaso en la asignatura
- Web Images Relevance and Quality: User Evaluation
- ACCESS2CITIZEN-Accesabilidad sensorial y cognitiva (RTD)
- ACCESS2CITIZEN-Accesibilidad sensorial y cognitiva (GESTIÓN)
- AIDAD: AI-based tool for diagnosis of pre-clinical stated of Alzheimer Disease
- APAW - Planificación Automática para un robot socialmente consciente
- ASSETIF - Diseño y desarrollo de un motor de inteligencia artificial con técnicas de. procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN) orientadas a la identificación de entidades. nombradas (NER)
- Análisis y revisión de asistentes de código
- Asesoramiento Técnico C++
- Asesoría y formación en accesibilidad y diseño para todos
- Asesoría y formación online para profesorado en accesibilidad de contenidos
- Asesoría y formación online sobre requisitos de accesibilidad del contenido multimedia
- BODYinTRANSIT - Sensory-driven Body Transformation Experiences On-the-move
- Desarrollo de sistema de conocimiento y difusión para biobancos basado en big data, para realizar análisis de técnicas de predicción en series temporales aplicadas al suministro de plaquetas
- Diseño de pulsera cardiaca inteligente, segura y de bajo coste para la detección de Fibrilación Auricular (PUCFA-CM-UC3M)
- Expand-Sistema de almacenamiento de altas prestaciones para entornos HPC y Big Data
- Herramientas y Métodos para la Planificación Sensible al Humano
- Informe Pericial proyectos de OCASO
- Innovación en ventas y planificación de productos industriales complejos que aprovechan la inteligencia artificial (INNOSALE)
- Innovating Sales and Planning of Complex Industrial Products Exploiting Artificial Intelligence (INNOSALE)
- Inteligencia Artificial para la colaboración humano-máquina en tareas de conducción
- Interoperable Distributed Ledger Technology (IDELTA)
- Mantenimiento evolutivo de la plataforma de formación a distancia en CIE-10-es (clasificación internacional de enfermedades, 10ª revisión-modificación Clínica para diagnósticos y procedimientos); expediente nº 202203CM0002
- Minería de Datos de Redes Sociales para la Interacción Humano Robot (SMM4HRI-CM-UC3M)
- Modelos basado en datos para eventos de caudal de lluvia
- Plataforma para la Impartición de Clases Online y Generación de Apuntes ACcesibles para personas con discapacidad sensorial
- Proactive Protection Against Phishing-Based Ransomware (Vesta)
- Prototype Linking Requirements to FMI Package (2022)
- Proyecto DELIST-PD Study
- Proyecto Fimar Trends
- Realización de un recorrido accesible con audio descripción por las luces de Navidad de la ciudad de Madrid
- SSOW - BAS - UC3M - MBSE 2022 Q1-Q4
- SurgeryAI-Models:Incorporando herramientas digitales e IA en la cadena de valor de la cirugía. Modelos y herramientas
- Técnicas de Aprendizaje Automático para la Optimización de Procesos de Negocio en. Entornos Basado en Internet de las Cosas
- Acceso a la información de la gestión educativa
- Herramienta HERMES
- Plataforma para la gestión de contenidos de la Agenda Cultural Accesible
Supervised Theses
- Efectos de la interacción y la representación visual de mapas inmersivos colaborativos
- Estudio de alternativas de subtitulado accesible de estímulos sonoros no verbales para discapacidad auditiva
- Modelo de correlación QoS-QoE en un ambiente de aprovisionamiento de servicio de telecomunicaciones OTT-Telco
- Process Productivity Improvements through Semantic and Linked Data Technologies
- Uso de algoritmos genéticos para la creación automática de patrones de requisitos
- Adaptive Algorithms For Classification On High-Frequency Data Streams: Application To Finance
- Biopotential Signals and their Applicability to Cibersecurity Problems
- Identification and functional characterization of mutation-independent disease-severity modulators in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Lexical simplification for the systematic support of cognitive accessibility guidelines
- Methods and Techniques for analyzing human factors facets on drivers
- Multi-agent System for Flood Forecasting in Tropical River Basin
- Robust GNSS Carrier Phase-based Position and Attitude Estimation Theory and Applications.
- Using movement sonification to alter body perception and promote physical activity in physically inactive people
- Word Sense Disambiguation for clinical abbreviations