Outputs for SIGNAL THEORY AND COMMUNICATIONS Department (Year 2020)
- 3D-printed sievenpiper metasurface using conductive filaments
- 3D-printing for transformation optics in electromagnetic high-frequency lens applications
- A framework for supervised classification performance analysis with information-theoretic methods
- A likely magnetic activity cycle for the Exoplanet Host M Dwarf GJ 3512
- A painless automatic hp-adaptive strategy for elliptic problems
- A photonically-excited leaky-wave antenna array at E-band for 1-D beam steering
- A probabilistic patient scheduling model with time variable slots
- Actigraphic recording of motor activity in depressed inpatients: a novel computational approach to prediction of clinical course and hospital discharge
- Adaptive quadrature schemes for bayesian inference via active learning
- An annoyance-related SNQ for the assessment of airborne sound insulation for urban-type sounds
- Analysis of SVD-based hybrid schemes for massive MIMO with phase noise and imperfect channel estimation
- Array of Horns Fed by a Transverse Slotted Groove Gap Waveguide at 28 GHz
- Asymmetric label switching resists binary imbalance
- Bender's decomposition for optimization design problems in communication networks
- Channel hardening in cell-free and user-centric massive MIMO networks with spatially correlated ricean fading
- Collision-Free Sequential Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing
- Comparison study of 4×4 Butler matrices in microstrip technologies for Ka-band
- Considerations of impedance sensitivity and losses in designing inverted microstrip gap waveguides
- Corrigendum to "Likelihood ratio equivalence and imbalanced binary classification"
- Design and Analysis of Conformal Antenna for Future Public Safety Communications: Enabling Future Public Safety Communication Infrastructure
- Design and Realization of a Band Pass Filter at D-band Using Gap Waveguide Technology
- Design of a Planar Array of Low Profile Horns at 28 GHz
- Designing non-linear minimax and related discriminants by disjoint tangent configurations applied to RBF networks
- Differential data-aided channel estimation for up-link massive SIMO-OFDM
- Distributed nonlinear semiparametric support vector machine for big data applications on spark frameworks
- Efficient Design of Radial Line Slot Antennas Using Currents Synthesis and Optimization
- Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks Normal
- Ensembles of cost-diverse Bayesian neural learners for imbalanced binary classification
- Forecast-informed power load profiling: A novel approach
- Fully Planar Dual-Polarized Broadband Antenna for 3G, 4G and Sub 6-GHz 5G Base Stations
- GPU Acceleration of a Non-Standard Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Electromagnetics
- Glide-symmetric holey structures applied to waveguide technology: Design considerations
- Handling incomplete heterogeneous data using VAEs
- High-gain, circularly-polarized THz Antenna with proper modeling of structures with thin metallic walls
- Interactive secure function computation
- Interpretable global-local dynamics for the prediction of eye fixations in autonomous driving scenarios
- Is there Na I in the atmosphere of HD 209458b?: Effect of the centre-to-limb variation and Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in transmission spectroscopy studies
- Ka band microstrip fed slot array antenna with PMC packaging
- Ka-Band Diplexer for 5G mmWave Applications in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Technology
- Load balancing in hybrid VLC and RF networks based on blind interference alignment
- MNIST-NET10: A heterogeneous deep networks fusion based on the degree of certainty to reach 0.1% error rate. ensembles overview and proposal
- Multi-channel factor analysis with common and unique factors
- Nearest Neighbor Decoding and Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation for Fading Channels
- Non-Coherent Massive MIMO-OFDM Down-Link Based on Differential Modulation
- Non-Coherent massive MIMO-OFDM for communications in high mobility scenarios
- Nudging the particle filter
- On Single-Antenna Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
- Optimal sensing policy for energy harvesting cognitive radio systems
- Optimizing HARQ and relay strategies in limited feedback communication systems
- Parallel sequential Monte Carlo for stochastic gradient-free nonconvex optimization
- Periodic Structures With Higher Symmetries: Their Applications in Electromagnetic Devices
- RF-Harvesting Tightly Coupled Rectenna Array Tee-Shirt with Greater Than Octave Bandwidth
- Real-time ventricular cancellation in unipolar atrial fibrillation electrograms
- Recycling weak labels for multiclass classification
- Reflection-based Relaying Techniques in Visible Light Communications: Will It Work?
- Regularized bagged canonical component analysis for multiclass learning in brain imaging
- Resource Allocation for Cooperative Transmission in Optical Wireless Cellular Networks With Illumination Requirements
- Saddlepoint Approximations for Short-Packet Wireless Communications
- Scale-invariant subspace detectors based on first- and second-order statistical models
- Semi-Blind Interference Aligned NOMA for Downlink MU-MISO Systems
- Sensitivity and noise in THz electro-optic upconversion radiometers
- Service-based network dimensioning for 5G networks assisted by real data
- Short-Term Power Constrained Cell-Free Massive-MIMO Over Spatially Correlated Ricean Fading
- Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) in psychiatric patients and student controls: A real-world feasibility study
- Social media and smartphone app use predicts maintenance of physical activity during Covid-19 enforced isolation in psychiatric outpatients
- Study protocol of a randomised clinical trial testing whether metacognitive training can improve insight and clinical outcomes in schizophrenia
- Task scheduling for mobile edge computing using genetic algorithm and conflict graphs
- The Singular Value Decomposition over Completed Idempotent Semifields
- Two-channel passive detection of cyclostationary signals
- Ultrawideband Conical Log-Spiral Circularly Polarized Feed for Radio Astronomy
- Universal mental health screening with a focus on suicidal behaviour using smartphones in a Mexican rural community: protocol for the SMART-SCREEN population-based survey
- VLC-Based Networking: Feasibility and Challenges
Book Chapters
- Ecological Momentary Assessment for Monitoring Risk of Suicide Behavior. In: Behavioral Neurobiology of Suicide and Self Harm
- OFDM-Based Multicarrier Transmission. In: Wiley 5G Ref: The essential 5G reference online
- Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation. In: Wiley 5G Ref: The Essential 5G reference Online
- Random Access Protocols. In: Wiley 5G Ref: The Essential 5G reference Online
Conference Contributions
- 3D-printer Wideband Hyperbolic Lens Antenna for Ka-band
- A High-SNR Normal Approximation for MIMO Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels
- A Hybrid Data Fusion Architecture for BINDI: A Wearable Solution to Combat Gender-Based Violence
- A general test for the linear structure of covariance matrices of Gaussian populations
- A nested hybrid filter for parameter estimation and state tracking in homogeneous multi-scale models
- A survey about deep learning for constellation design in communications
- Bursty Wireless Networks of Bounded Capacity
- Capacity per Unit-Energy of Gaussian Random Many-Access Channels
- Continual learning for infinite hierarchical change-point detection
- Cost effective wideband Ka flat lens antenna
- Cutting the cord: key performance indicators for the future of wireless virtual reality applications
- Death/birth and SNR detection for vehicular Kalman channel trackers
- Demand-Private Coded Caching and the Exact Trade-off for N=K=2
- Demand-private coded caching and the exact trade-off for n=K=2
- Double Confidential Federated Machine Learning Logistic Regression for Industrial Data Platforms
- Educational Robotics for All: Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEAM
- Hidden Markov Models for Activity Detection in Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms
- High-speed Terahertz PIN Photodiode with WR-3 Rectangular Waveguide Output
- Millimetre-wave Photonic Emitter Integrating a PIN-PD and Planar High Gain Antenna
- Minimizing age of information on NOMA communication schemes for vehicular communication applications
- MmWave massive MIMO small cells for 5G and beyond mobile networks: an overview
- Modeling phone call durations via switching Poisson processes with applications in mental health
- Modulation of LED Photo-Luminescence for Underwater Optical Communications
- Multinomial sampling for hierarchical change-point detection
- Neural-network-switched Kalman filters as novel trackers for multipath channels
- New insights on channel hardening in cell-free massive MIMO networks
- On the Design of Generalized LDPC Codes with Component BCJR Decoding
- On the Per-User Probability of Error in Gaussian Many-Access Channels
- Performance comparison of interference alignment algorithms in an energy harvesting scenario
- Reference scenarios and key performance indicators for 5G ultra-dense networks
- Sleep Dynamics, Weight, and Appetite in a Prospective Cohort of Psychiatric Patients During COVID-19
- TeamUp5G: a multidisciplinary approach to training and research on new RAN techniques for 5G Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks
- Use of Actigraphy and Ecological Momentary Assessment to Monitor the Impact of COVID-19 on Mood and Behavior in Psychiatric Outpatients: Social Media and Smartphone App Use Predicts Maintenance of Physical Activity
- Actividades de asesoramiento y asistencia técnica en el área de los usos de las tecnologías del lenguaje
- Antenas 5G para acceso fijo a internet con mejora de capacidad, 5G-AFIANCE
- Apoyo Tecnologico al Challenge del Proyecto Hercules – Fase 1 del Lote 1 Enriquecimiento de Datos
- Artificial Intelligence and cognitive models for Symmetric HumAn RobOt iNteraction
- Desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras para la Universidad de Murcia en dos lotes. Lote 2. Métodos de análisis. Fase 1: Estudio de viabilidad de las soluciones propuestas
- Detección de miedo a través del audiovisual y sensorización de neurotransmisores y EEG para identificar situaciones de riesgo en Violencia de Género
- GEOlocalización de usuarios y recursos de media-alta velocidad mediante LUZ Visible e infrarrojO
- Informe pericial sobre la patente ES 2.541.424 "Procedimiento y dispositivo de control de potencia por lazo externo para sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica"
- Optimización de MIMO masivo en ondas milimétricas para sistemas de acceso radio 5G (PROYECTO AMATISTA)
- Overlapped subarray fed reflector antennas for SAR instrument, tender European Space Agency
- Proyecto de desarrollo de las capacidades de medición de competencias de candidatos a través de la Gamificación y la Inteligencia Artificial
- Radiómetros basados en conversión superior fotónica en rango de submilimétricas de próxima generación para observación de la tierra
- Servicio de análisis de las bases de datos Chunchbase y Scopus
- Sistema de atención domiciliaria inteligente e interactivo para la mitigación de la pandemia del COVID-19
- Sistemas de antena eficientes para las futuras redes de comunicación
- Tecnologías para la asequibilidad del acceso de banda ancha, TREFOIL
Supervised Theses
- Análisis Electromagnético de Estructuras Finitas de Tipo Periódico mediante el Método de los Elementos Finitos
- Integrated Broadband Antennas for Photonic-enabled Millimetre-wave Transmission
- Multi-frequency microwave energy harvesting receivers: Theory and applications