Outputs for SIGNAL THEORY AND COMMUNICATIONS Department (Year 2018)
- A Noncoherent Multiuser Large-Scale SIMO System Relying on M-Ary DPSK and BICM-ID
- A Nonstandard Schwarz Domain Decomposition Method for Finite-Element Mesh Truncation of Infinite Arrays
- A Rigorous Approach to High-Resolution Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization
- A Variational Approach for Designing Infinite Impulse Response Filters With Time-Varying Parameters
- A quantitative performance study of two automatic methods for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer
- Aligning the light without channel state information for visible light communications
- Analysis of a nonlinear importance sampling scheme for Bayesian parameter estimation in state-space models
- Assessing Information Transmission in Data Transformations with the Channel Multivariate Entropy Triangle
- Broadband Cloaking Obtained Using HOBBIES Optimization
- Combining Continuous Smartphone Native Sensors Data Capture and Unsupervised Data Mining Techniques for Behavioral Changes Detection: A Case Series of the Evidence-Based Behavior (eB2) Study
- Comparison of feature representations in MRI-based MCI-to-AD conversion prediction
- Continuous and Burst Pilot Sequences for Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM
- Corrigendum: Real-time rotational activity detection in atrial fibrillation [Front. Physiol., 9, (2018), (208)] doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00208
- Cost-Effective Gap Waveguide Technology Based on Glide-Symmetric Holey EBG Structures
- Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs
- Downlink Performance of Optical OFDM in Outdoor Visible Light Communication
- Echoic log-surprise: A multi-scale scheme for acoustic saliency detection
- Enhancement of a text-independent speaker verification system by using feature combination and parallel structure classifiers
- Enriched dermoscopic-structure-based cad system for melanoma diagnosis
- Entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and scientific mobility: The Spanish case
- Evaluation of dimensionality reduction methods applied to numerical weather models for solar radiation forecasting
- Expert Selection in Prediction Markets With Homological Invariants
- Exploiting visual saliency for assessing the impact of car commercials upon viewers
- Extremely efficient acceptance-rejection method for simulating uncorrelated Nakagami fading channels
- Feasible Transmission Strategies for Downlink MIMO in Sparse Millimeter-Wave Channels
- Feature Extraction of Galvanic Skin Responses by Nonnegative Sparse Deconvolution
- Gap Waveguide Technology for Millimeter-Wave Antenna Systems
- Generalized LDPC Codes for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication in 5G and Beyond
- Group Importance Sampling for particle filtering and MCMC
- Joint Detection of Almost-Cyclostationary Signals and Estimation of Their Cycle Period
- K-Formal Concept Analysis as linear algebra over idempotent semifields
- LMPIT-Inspired Tests for Detecting a Cyclostationary Signal in Noise With Spatio-Temporal Structure
- Linear discriminants described by disjoint tangent configurations.
- Low-Dispersive Leaky-Wave Antenna Integrated in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
- Multiplex Decomposition of Non-Markovian Dynamics and the Hidden Layer Reconstruction Problem
- Nested particle filters for online parameter estimation in discrete-time state-space Markov models
- Nonnegative OPLS for supervised design of filter banks: application to image and audio feature extraction
- On building ensembles of stacked denoising auto-encoding classifiers and their further improvement
- On the performance of parallelisation schemes for particle filtering
- On the use of wavelets to reveal oscillatory patterns in stellar flare emission
- Optimized Update/Prediction Assignment for Lifting Transforms on Graphs
- Physics-Based Modeling of Experimental Data Encountered in Cellular Wireless Communication
- Practical Guidelines for Approaching the Implementation of Neural Networks on FPGA for PAPR Reduction in Vehicular Networks
- Probabilistic MIMO symbol detection with expectation consistency approximate inference.
- Probabilistic scheme for joint parameter estimation and state prediction in complex dynamical systems
- Radio Resource Allocation for Multicast Services Based on Multiple Video Layers
- Real-time rotational activity detection in atrial fibrillation
- Robust Cooperative Multicarrier Transmission Scheme for Optical Wireless Cellular Networks
- Robust signaling for bursty interference
- Sensitivity limits of millimeter-wave photonic radiometers based on efficient electro-optic upconverters
- Simpler Multipath Detection for Vehicular OFDM Channel Tracking
- Steady-State Performance of an Adaptive Combined MISO Filter Using the Multichannel Affine Projection Algorithm
- Subband CQI Feedback-Based Multicast Resource Allocation in MIMO-OFDMA Networks
- Supervised machine learning using encrypted training data
- Survey of Available Experimental Data of Radio Wave Propagation for Wireless Transmission
- Testing Equality of Multiple Power Spectral Density Matrices
- The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs HD147379 b: A nearby Neptune in the temperate zone of an early-M dwarf
- The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs High-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of 324 survey stars.
- The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: First visual-channel radial-velocity measurements and orbital parameter updates of seven M-dwarf planetary systems
- The Gaia-ESO Survey: a kinematical and dynamical study of four young open clusters
- The Recycling Gibbs sampler for efficient learning
- The robustness of echoic log-surprise auditory saliency detection
- Training neural network classifiers through Bayes risk minimization applying unidimensional Parzen windows
- Turbo EP-Based Equalization: A Filter-Type Implementation
- University training on entrepreneurship in communication and journalism business projects
- Wearable Fabry-Pérot Antenna
- Wideband Phase Shifter in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology Implemented With Glide-Symmetric Holey EBG
- X-Ray Flare Oscillations Track Plasma Sloshing along Star-disk Magnetic Tubes in the Orion Star-forming Region
Book Chapters
Conference Contributions
- A Comparison Of Clipping Strategies For Importance SamplingA Comparison of Clipping Strategies for Importance Sampling
- An alternating optimization algorithm for two-channel factor analysis with common and uncommon factors
- Automatic learning of image representations combining content and metadata
- Boosting Handwriting Text Recognition in Small Databases with Transfer Learning
- CARMENES: high-resolution spectra and precise radial velocities in the red and infrared
- Clustered Cell-Free Massive MIMO
- Combined Sparse Regularization for Nonlinear Adaptive Filters
- Demixing and blind deconvolution of graph-diffused sparse signals
- Design of discrete constellations for peak-power-limited complex Gaussian channels
- Domino-Tiling in Phased Arrays Through Innovative Computational/Analytic Strategies
- Electromagnetic Finite Element Solver for HPC Environments using Direct Substructuring Method
- Heterogeneous Multi-output Gaussian Process Prediction
- Implementation and measurement of Power Adapted-OFDM using OpenAirInterface
- Improving Multikernel Adaptive Filtering with Selective Bias
- In Search for Improved Auxiliary Particle Filters
- Interpolation and Extrapolation of S-Parameter Data of a Microwave Filter in the Frequency Domain Using the Cauchy Method
- Interpolation of Missing Antenna Measurements or RCS Data Using the Matrix Pencil Method
- Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Dual-Band Filter Integrated with Slot Antenna
- Locally optimal invariant detector for testing equality of two power spectral densities
- Low-complexity zero-forcing equalization for massive MIMO-OFDM
- Millimeter wave Microstrip Fed Slot Array Antenna with PMC Packaging for Future 5G Systems
- Model-order selection in statistical shape models
- Modulation Transparent Wireless Data Link Using Photonic-Based Transmitter and Envelope Detector
- NBIoT Random Access Procedure: System Simulation and Performance
- Normal approximations for fading channels
- On Generalized LDPC Codes for 5G Ultra Reliable Communication
- On the Optimality of Multiple Photodiode Receivers Using Precoding Schemes for Visible Light Communications
- On the Relation between Semifield-Valued FCA and the Idempotent Singular Value Decomposition
- On the information dimension rate of multivariate Gaussian processes
- Particle Filter Tracking of Complex Stochastic Systems Applied to In Silico Wavefront Propagation
- Patient-Tailored In Silico 3D Simulations and Models From Electroanatomical Maps of the Left Atrium
- Perceptually-guided Understanding of Egocentric Video Content: Recognition of Objects to Grasp
- Private Index Coding
- Proper Losses for Learning with Example-Dependent Costs
- Reducing the interference by adapting the power of OFDM for mMTC
- Resource allocation algorithms for multicast OFDM scenarios based on subband-CQI feedback
- Rényi's Information Dimension Beyond I.I.D.
- Saddlepoint Approximation of the Error Probability of Binary Hypothesis Testing
- Saddlepoint approximations of lower and upper bounds to the error probability in channel coding
- Single-Layer Dual-Band Leaky Wave Antennas Design Methodology with Directivity Control
- Spatially Coupled Generalized LDPC Codes: Introduction and Overview
- Speaker recognition under stress conditions
- Subspace averaging for source enumeration in large arrays
- Technological developments for a space-borne orbital debris radar at 94 GHz
- The Error Probability of Generalized Perfect Codes
- The Error Probability of Generalized Perfect Codes
- The Role of Interaction and Common Randomness in Two-User Secure Computation
- Towards a Scalable hp Adaptive Finite Element Code Based on a Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Method
- 2-step Bayesian Re-Balancing Studies
- Antena de estación base para soportar nuevos servicios 5G Carrier Aggregation
- Aprendizaje Automático para análisis Big Data de Fuentes Documentales Heterogéneas
- Asesoramiento y asistencia técnica para la realización del evento "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics" celebrado en Lanzarote del 9 al 11 de abril de 2018
- Caracterización automática de comportamiento mediante modelos latentes basados en redes profundas.
- Clasificación temática automatizada de los proyectos de I+D+i a partir de sus resúmenes, aplicando metodología de lenguaje natural
- Colaboración técnica, test de pruebas y validaciones de componentes ópticos para SQS System
- Contrato marco para la prestación de servicios tecnológicos en el área de "Simulación numérica de mecánica de fluidos"
- Definición inicial de parámetros de comunicaciones para un sistema CUBESAT
- Detección de hitos cilíndricos o de arista para un sistema automatizado de conservación y mantenimiento de carreteras.
- Diseño de antenas como solución para comunicaciones IoT en barcos
- Diseño e implementación de antenas directivas en la banda GPS para la industrialización del producto NOJAMZONE de CENTUM SOLUTIONS S.L.
- Estrategias y técnicas actuales en fundamentos de Rádar 2
- Extensión del prototipo de la aplicación AZOR
- Gestión de cambios puntuales: Técnicas estadísticas y aprendizaje de variedades
- Inspección automática mediante visión artificial del pavimento de aeropuertos a partir de imágenes capturadas por un dron
- MIMO masivo y técnicas de comunicaciones por luz visible para mejorar la tasa de datos y la cobertura en Áreas de Difícil Acceso (ADA)
- MUSKETEER: Machine learning to augment shared knowledge in federated privacy-preserving scenarios
- Micro-fundamentos del comportamiento: Un enfoque basado en las TICs para entender el comportamiento humano y la interacción
- Máquinas de Aprendizaje para Problemas y Aplicaciones Singulares
- OPALL5G - Optimización de las prestaciones de Small Cells en 5G NR
- Reconstrucción de trayectorias de personas a partir de Sensores Múltiples
- Saliencia y Atención: rePresentación, Interpretación y EmergeNcia
- Servicio par perfilar Agentes de I+D+i
- Servicio para identificar impacto y redes de colaboración de Agentes de I+D+i
- Servicio para la identificación de tendencias en el Sector I+D+i
- Servicios de asesoramiento en el área de soluciones de tratamiento de señal y aprendizaje automático en el ámbito de la salud
- Servicios de obtención y clasificación para la caracterización del sector de la Ciberseguridad, Lote 3: Servicios de desarrollo de un sistema de Crawling para la caracterización del sector de la Ciberseguridad
- Simulación electromagnética de estructuras en horno de microondas