Outputs for PHYSICS Department (Year 2018)
- ALARIC: An algorithm for constructing arbitrarily complex initial density distributions with low particle noise for SPH/SPMHD applications
- Applicability of transfer entropy for the calculation of effective diffusivity in heat transport
- Beating pattern in radiation-induced oscillatory magnetoresistance in 2DES: Coupling of plasmon-like and acoustic phonon modes
- Bootstrap current control studies in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the free-plasma-boundary version of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code
- Building an adiabatic quantum computer simulation in the classroom
- Carbon Clustering in Low-Temperature Bainite
- Characterisation of ODS Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti before and after high temperature triple and low temperature single ion irradiations
- Concurrent segregation and erosion effects in medium-energy iron beam patterning of silicon surfaces
- Control-oriented model of disruption generated RE beam at FTU
- Directional acoustic antennas based on Valley-Hall topological insulators
- Discrete fast-ion detection with energy discrimination in plasmas having edge-localized mode-like instabilities in the stellarator TJ-II
- Dynamic nonreciprocity in loss-compensated piezophononic media
- Eden model with nonlocal growth rules and kinetic roughening in biological systems
- Effect of hot cross rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Fe-14Cr ODS ferritic steel
- Emission Decay Pathways Sensitive to Circular Polarization of Excitation
- Experimental and theoretical study on the optical properties of LaVO4 crystals under pressure
- Filaments in the edge confinement region of TJ-II
- Heat conduction tuning by hyperbranched nanophononic metamaterials
- High pressure luminescence of Nd3+ in YAlO3 perovskite nanocrystals: A crystal-field analysis
- High pressure sensitivity of anti-Stokes fluorescence in Nd3+ doped yttrium orthoaluminate nano-perovskites
- Investigation of the role of electron cyclotron resonance heating and magnetic configuration on the suprathermal ion population in the stellarator TJ-II using a luminescent probe
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in first-passage percolation: the role of geodesic degeneracy
- Long wavelength stacking induced shift of the near-infrared photoluminescence from unintentional MOVPE grown InGaSb/GaSb quantum wells
- Measurement of the thermal parameters of composite materials during fire tests with quantitative infrared imaging
- Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of Fe-14Cr-0.22Hf alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering
- Modeling transport across the running-sandpile cellular automaton by means of fractional transport equations
- Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium-tritium fusion plasma diagnostics
- Nonuniversality of front fluctuations for compact colonies of nonmotile bacteria
- ODS ferritic steels obtained from gas atomized powders through the STARS processing route: reactive synthesis as an alternative to mechanical alloying
- Optical absorption and Raman studies of neutron-irradiated Gd3Ga5O12 single crystals
- Optical force rectifiers based on PT-symmetric metasurfaces
- Optical pulling and pushing forces in bilayer PT-symmetric structures
- PT symmetric sonic crystals: from asymmetric echoes to supersonic speeds
- Runaway electron beam control
- Spectroscopy and Judd-Ofelt analysis of Er3+ ions in Li5La3Nb2O12 garnet-type ceramic powder
- Structural, morphology and luminescence study of Er+3-doped garnet-type Li5La3Nb2O12 electrolytes as a potential new phosphor
- Study of radial heat transport in W7-X using the transfer entropy.
- Swift heavy ion irradiation induces enhancement in electrical conductivity of LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 crystals
- The role of yttrium and titanium during the development of ODS ferritic steels obtained through the STARS route: TEM and XAS study
- Theoretical study of equilibrium and nonequilibrium exciton dynamics in disordered semiconductors
- Topological acoustic delay line
- Topological sound
- Towards a new image processing system at Wendelstein 7-X: From spatial calibration to characterization of thermal events
- Unidirectional zero sonic reflection in passive PT-symmetric Willis media
- Valley physics in non-Hermitian artificial acoustic boron nitride
Conference Contributions
- Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios
- Alfvén eigenmode driven by alpha particles and NBI energetic particles
- Application of the free-boundary SIESTA MHD equilibrium code tobootstrap control scenarios in the W7-X stellarator
- Detection of filamentary structrures using transfer entropy in TJ-II and W7-X
- Exploring cascading outages and weather via processing historic data
- Mechanical properties and microstructure of W/CuY and W/CuCrZr composites produced by hot isostatic pressing
- Nd3+-YAP nanocrystals: a high pressure luminiscence study
- EMPRESS 2: JRP i28: Enhancing process efficiency through improved temperature measurement 2
- EUROFUSION-2018-MAT-2.3.2-T005 -D002: 14%Cr ODS steel fabrication and characterization (STARS PROCESS)
- EUROFUSION-WPPMI-2018: WP-PMI-5.3.2-T008-TS activities on Runaway electrons
- H2020s SME Instrument GaSeS project, SENSIA
- Spectral optimization of uncooled vanadium oxide infrared detectors for remote methane detection for the InnoEnergy supported company Vira Gas Imaging S.L.
Supervised Theses
térmica y de defectos en materiales compuestos mediante imagen infrarroja.
Modelización física, sistema experimental y técnicas de reducción de datos -
de reflectometría Doppler en el stellarator TJ-II: comparación entre
simulaciones y resultados experimentales -
and application of Doppler Reflectometry for advanced turbulence studies on
the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak and the TJ-II Stellarator - The numerical study of filament dynamics in tokamak scrape-off layer plasmas
- A study of the physics of pellet injection in magnetically confined plasmas in stellarators.
- Free-boundary extension of the SIESTA code and its application to the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator.
- Geolocalización posnewtoniana, mediante TDOA-FDOA, de radiotransmisores pasivos situados en el entorno de la tierra.