Outputs for COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department (Year 2017)
- A Comparison Study of Classifier Algorithms for Cross-Person Physical Activity Recognition
- A Data-aware Scheduling Strategy for Workflow Execution in Clouds
- A Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream and Data Processing
- A lightweight implementation of the Tav-128 hash function
- A new volunteer computing model for data-intensive applications
- A review of radio spectrum combinatorial clock auctions
- A standard-based framework to integrate software work in small settings
- A three-layer planning architecture for the autonomous control of rehabilitation therapies based on social robots
- Adapting concurrency throttling and voltage-frequency scaling for dense eigensolvers
- Adapting the Web for People With Upper Body Motor Impairments Using Touch Screen Tablets
- Algorithms and applications towards the convergence of high-end data-intensive and computing systems
- An Industrial Survey of Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis Practice
- An analysis of safety evidence management with the Structured Assurance Case Metamodel
- An online classification algorithm for large scale data streams: IGNGSVM
- An optimisation of Gaussian mixture models for integer processing units
- Assessment of attribute-based credentials for privacy-preserving road traffic services in smart cities
- Automatic CPU/GPU Generation of Multi-versioned OpenCL Kernels for C++ Scientific Applications
- Automatic Cloud-Type Classification Based On the Combined Use of a Sky Camera and a Ceilometer
- Bagging strategies for learning planning policies
- Beyond social graphs: mining patterns underlying social interactions
- Boosting analyses in the life sciences via clusters, grids and clouds
- Clustering technique for large-scale home care crew scheduling problems
- ComBos: A complete simulator of Volunteer Computing and Desktop Grids
- Combining heterogeneous sources in an interactive multimedia content retrieval model
- Crowd-Based Ambient Assisted Living to Monitor the Elderly's Health Outdoors
- Cybernetics of the Mind: Learning Individual's Perceptions Autonomously
- DataCare: big data analytics solution for intelligent healthcare management
- Dealing with software process requirements complexity: an information access proposal based on semantic technologies
- Different aspects of workflow scheduling in large-scale distributed systems
- ECCE Toolkit: Prototyping Sensor-Based Interaction
- Educational encounters of the third kind
- Efficient design assessment in the railway electric infrastructure domain using cloud computing
- Efficient dynamic resampling for dominance-based multiobjective evolutionary optimization
- Emergent behaviors and scalability for multi-agent reinforcement learning-based pedestrian models
- Enabling semantics to improve detection of data races and misuses of lock-free data structures
- Encryption by Heart (EbH)-Using ECG for time-invariant symmetric key generation
- Evaluating the Child-Robot Interaction of the NAOTherapist Platform in Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Evaluation of accessibility barriers and learning features in m-learning chat applications for users with disabilities
- Experimental evaluation of a flexible I/O architecture for accelerating workflow engines in ultrascale environments
- Exploring convolutional neural networks for drug-drug interaction extraction
- Extending ACO for fast path search in huge graphs and social networks
- FUX-Sim: implementation of a fast universal simulation/reconstruction framework for X-ray systems
- Forecasting sea level changes applying data mining techniques to the Cristobal Bay time series, Panama
- Guest Editorial: Special Section: Advances in Information Technology
- Hardware trojans against virtual keyboards on e-banking platforms - A proof of concept
- Improving the separation of direct and diffuse solar radiation components using machine learning by gradient boosting
- Inclusive access to emergency services: an action research project focused on hearing-impaired citizens
- Incorporating android conversational agents in m-learning apps
- Incremental contingency planning for recovering from critical outcomes in high-probability seed plans
- Integration of context-aware conversational interfaces to develop practical applications for mobile devices
- Making the case for reforming the I/O software stack of extreme-scale systems
- Microservices architecture for multi-dimensional feature recognition using a knowledge representation model, both based on human perception
- Model-based energy-aware data movement optimization in the storage I/O stack
- Modeling, Evaluation, and Scale on Artificial Pedestrians: A Literature Review
- Multi-objective evolutionary optimization of prediction intervals for solar energy forecasting with neural networks
- PRACIS: Privacy-preserving and aggregatable cybersecurity information sharing
- Player: an open source tool to simulate complex maritime environments to evaluate data fusion performance
- Portfolio Implementation Risk Management Using Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
- Quality of service optimization in solar cells-based energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
- Random Forest Prediction of IPO Underpricing
- Real-Time Recognition of Calling Pattern and Behaviour of Mobile Phone Users through Anomaly Detection and Dynamically-Evolving Clustering
- Recent advances in security and privacy for wireless sensor networks 2016
- Reuse of safety certification artefacts across standards and domains: A systematic approach
- Selecting a Software Elicitation Technique According to Layers of Knowledge and Preciseness: A Case Study
- Simplifying drug package leaflets written in Spanish by using word embedding
- Strategic characterization of process assets based on asset quality and business impact
- Towards Human Smart Cities: Internet of Things for sensory impaired individuals
- Urban Point Cloud Mining Based on Density Clustering and MapReduce
- Using combinatorial creativity to support end-user design of digital games
- Virtual Environments and Advanced Interfaces
- Water quality detection based on a data mining process on the California estuary
- 20th Conferencia Iberoamericana en Software Engineering (CIbSE 2017) Buenos Aires, Argentina 22-23 May 2017
- Proceedings of the XX Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017
Book Chapters
- Beyond Interoperability in the Systems. In: Current Trends on Knowledge-Based Systems
- El big data en el ámbito del análisis de los resultados docentes. In: Educación, participación y escenarios digitales
- Energy-Aware High Performance Computing. In: ICT - Energy Concepts for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
- Evolving systems: review. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- GEODIM: A Semantic Model-Based System for 3D Recognition of Industrial Scenes. In: Current Trends on Knowledge-Based Systems
- Innovation in the Spanish twittersphere: an ontology and stakeholder's salience analysis. In: Revolution of innovation management. Volume 1, The digital breakthrough
- Integrating end users in early ideation and prototyping: lessons from an experience in augmenting physical objects. In: New perspectives in end-user development
- Rich Digital Collaborations in a Small Rural Community. In: Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces
- Secure elliptic curves in cryptography. In: Computer and network security essentials
- Towards Visually Impaired Autonomy in Smart Cities: The Electronic Long Cane Project. In: Design Solutions for User-Centric Information Systems
Uso apropiado de la tecnología sanitaria en el caso
de la cesárea. Desarrollo de aplicación web. In: Obstetricia, ginecología & reproducción: presente y futuro
Conference Contributions
- A Comparative Study of Menus in Virtual Reality Environments
- A Data-Driven Approach to Dialog Structure Modeling
- A Framework for Acquiring and Analyzing Traces from Cryptographic Devices
A Proposal to Enhance Human-Machine Interaction by
Means of Multi-agent Conversational Interfaces - A Proposal to Integrate Conversational Interfaces in Mobile Learning Applications
- A Propose Architecture for Situated Multi-agent Systems and Virtual Simulated Environments Applied to Educational Immersive Experiences
- An experimental evaluation of the understanding of safety compliance needs with models
- Analysis of real data with sensors and estimation outputs in configurable UAV platforms
- Análisis de Software de Archivos y Bibliotecas para los fondos de la fundación Pablo Iglesias
- CLARC: A cognitive robot for helping geriatric doctors in real scenarios
- Checklist for Accessible Media Player Evaluation
- Data Fusion In Cloud Computing: Big Data Approach
- Data preprocessing to enhance flow forecasting in a tropical river basin
- Data-Aware Support for Hybrid HPC and Big Data Applications
- Dual Extruder 3D-Bioprinter for Computer Designed Cardiac Structures
- Electrophysiological Parameters in the Electrical Propagation During Atrial Fibrillation: A Population of Models Study
- End-user prototyping of cross-reality environments
- Enhancing a robotic rehabilitation model for hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy
- Evaluating a Data-Aware Scheduling Approach to Reduce Processing Costs of DMCF Workflows
Evolving Cauchy possibilistic
clustering based on cosine similarity for monitoring cyber systems - Exploring convolutional neural networks for sentiment analysis of spanish tweets
- Extraction of Patterns Using NLP: Genetic Deafness
FRB-Dialog: A Toolkit for Automatic Learning of
Fuzzy-Rule Based (FRB) Dialog Managers - Feature Selection for Physical Activity Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms
- Feature Similarity and Frequency-Based Weighted Visual Words Codebook Learning Scheme for Human Action Recognition
- Fog Computing Through Public-Resource Computing and Storage
Forecasting Univariate Time Series by
Input Transformation and Selection of the Suitable Model - Goal Recognition with Noisy Observations
- In-orbit autonomous assembly of large structures and habitats for planetary explorations using planning and scheduling techniques
- Intelligent agents for supporting driving tasks: an ontology-based alarms system
- Inter and Intra Class Correlation Analysis (IIcCA) for Human Action Recognition in Realistic Scenarios
- Knowledge inference from a small water quality dataset with multivariate statistics and data-mining
- LABDA at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Extracting keyphrases from scientific publications by combining the BANNER tool and the UMLS Semantic Network
- LABDA at SemEval-2017 Task 10: relation classification between keyphrases via convolutional neural network
- Lack of data: is it enough estimating the coffee rust with meteorological time series?
- Learning and Recognizing Human Action from Skeleton Movement with Deep Residual Neural Networks
- LifeBots I: Building the software infrastructure for supporting lifelong technologies
MC-UC3M Participation at TAC 2017 Adverse Drug
Reaction Extraction from Drug Labels - Market Trends and Customer Segmentation for Data of Electronic Retail Store
- Measuring the degree of innovation in education through the implementation of an indicator based on analyzing MOOC-related activities
- Medical Imaging Processing on a Big Data Platform Using Python: Experiences with Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Architectures
- Mobile Devices, a Complement to Television. Case Studies
Modelo de convergencia para la migración de una base de datos relacional
a una base de datos NoSQL -
Modelo de convergencia para la migración de una
base de datos relacional a una base de datos NoSQL - Monitoring of vulcano Puracé through seismic signals: Description of a real dataset
- Motorcycle Classification in Urban Scenarios using Convolutional Neural Networks for Feature Extraction
- On the application of classical planning to real social robotic tasks
- People Detection and Pose Classification Inside a Moving Train Using Computer Vision
- Performance modelling of planners from homogeneous problem sets
- Predictive Model based on Sentiment Analysis for Peruvian SMEs in the Sustainable Tourist Sector
- Probabilistic-based selection of alternate implementations for heterogeneous platforms
- RENet: Renewable Energies Education Network
- Reducing randomization in the power of two choices load balancing algorithm
- Representation of safety standards with semantic technologies used in industrial environments
- Revisión de Recursos para enseñanza de alumnos con Síndrome de Down
- Sensor Planning System for the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Project
- Shadow Detection for Vehicle Detection in Urban Environments
- SoNeUCON_{ABC}Pro: an access control model for social networks with translucent user provenance
- Supporting Advanced Patterns in GrPPI, a Generic Parallel Pattern Interface
- System Dynamics and Agents-based simulation as tools for characterizing Intangible Assets in Organizations
- System dynamics and agents-based simulation as tools for characterizing intangible process assets in organizations
- Time Series Forecasting applying Data Transformation and Neural Networks Ensemble
- Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse
- Towards the Integration of Security Practices in the Software Implementation Process of ISO/IEC 29110: A Mapping
- TriFlow: Triaging Android Applications using Speculative Information Flows
- Vehicle Detection Using Alex Net and Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study
- Análisis de datos en el sector asegurador
- Análisis funcional de un sistema de gestión de almacenes
- App para una mejor audición (AUDISMART)
- Aseguramiento Futuro de Sistemas Ciber-Físicos Centrado en el Conocimiento
- Asesoramiento en el diseño de portal de reservas on-line de alta disponibilidad en la nube
- Asesoramiento en tecnologías para el desarrollo de cuadros de mando, control de calidad en procesos de negocio e Inteligencia de Negocio
- Asesoría en la creación de sistemas inteligentes para el análisis del comportamiento del gusano de seda en segunda muda
- Asesoría técnica sobre sistemas de recomendación en entornos educativos
- Contratación del diseño e implementación de un servicio de monitorización de redes sociales y notificación de noticias en tiempo real a los profesionales de la información
- Contrato de asesoramiento para la realización de un informe para presentarlo ante el Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital
- Cross Nature: Cross Harmonization & Exploitation of NATURE DataSets:
- Desarrollo de un novedoso sistema de gestión inteligente de eficiencia energética
- Detección y análisis de opinión de características de productos y servicios en encuestas de calidad basada en patrones
- E! 14039 (ITEA 3):Seguridad , detección de fraude y codificación para redes inteligentes basadas en inteligencia artificial (Securegrid)
- Evaluación del rendimiento para cálculo óptico de centrales termosolares
- Generación automática de casos de prueba para sistemas embebidos desde requisitos
- INES - Innovación en el Desarrollo de Sistemas Electrónicos para Aeronáutica
- Informe sobre el estado de la cyberseguridad en Europa
- MADE: Multiple Access to eDElivery
- Mantenimiento evolutivo de la plataforma de formación a distancia en CIE10ES (Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, 10ª revisión-Modificación Clinica- para diagnósticos y procedimientos)
- Monitoreado del canal DMAX para constatación de la calidad del servicio de accesibilidad el día 26/06/2017
- OPTIMA - Optimización de turnos de trabajo
- Plataforma para el intercambio de divisas basado en modelo de transformación digital (P2PMONEY)
- Scientific and Technical Advice on various projects incorporating Natural Language Processing and Speech technologies
- Servicios Tecnológicos en el área de Análisis de Datos
- eID@Cloud: Integrating de eIdentification in European cloud Platform according. to the EIDAs Regulation
Supervised Theses
Collaborative Learning Environments for Mobile Devices -
holística a la integración de modelos SPI en entorno microempresa -
Framework for Change Management in Cloud Environments -
sistémico para la creación de un marco metodológico y tecnológico que dé
soporte a la mejora o implantación de la I+D+i en pymes -
based approach for ISMS Governance -
de Simulación Paralela aplicada a Sistemas Multi-Agente en Entornos Virtuales -
de Privacidad Digital en Inteligencia Ambiental basado en Sistemas
Multiagente -
de requisitos orientado al reúso efectivo (Morore) - Creating Planning Portfolios with Predictive Models
- Hacia una representación del conocimiento basada en la percepción
- Predicción y selección de características, mediante análisis local de la fiabilidad, para el mercado de valores y su extensión a problemas de clasificación y regresión
- Valoración y Gestión Estratégica de Activos de Proceso Intangibles en Ingeniería del Software