Outputs for SIGNAL THEORY AND COMMUNICATIONS Department (Year 2016)
- A Bayesian Method for Model Selection in Environmental Noise Prediction
- A nonlinear population Monte Carlo scheme for the Bayesian estimation of parameters of alpha-stable distributions
- A proof of uniform convergence over time for a distributed particle filter
- Acoustic Event Classification using spectral band selection and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization-based features
- Adaptive Filtered-x Algorithms for Room Equalization Based on Block-Based Combination Schemes
- Advantages of NDF as oscillator linear design tool: design of a NIC active patch antenna
- An Expose on Internal Resonance, External Resonance, and Characteristic Modes
- Analysis of Planar Microwave Devices Using Higher Order Curl-Conforming Triangular Prismatic Finite Elements
- Analysis of new active antenna with a patch as feed-back network, using the NDF Method
- Antenna deployment for the localization of partial discharges in open-air substations
- Bayesian M-ary hypothesis testing: the meta-converse and Verdu-Han bounds are tight
- Building a deicision support system for inpatient admission prediction with the Manchester Triage System and administrative check-in variables
- Canonical correlation analysis of high-dimensional data with very small sample support
- Combinations of adaptive filters
- Comparing visual descriptors and automatic rating strategies for video aesthetics prediction
- Complexity Control Based on a Fast Coding Unit Decision Method in the HEVC Video Coding Standard
- Decentralized detection for censored binary observations with statistical dependence
- Design and Characterization of a Passive Temperature Sensor Based on a Printed MIW Delay Line
- Design method for actively matched antennas with non-foster elements
- Dual band and dual polarization short-circuited ring patch antenna
- Dynamic Potential Games with Constraints: Fundamentals and Applications in Communications
- Echoing Across the Years
- Efficient parallel implementation of kernel methods
- Entropy-constrained scalar quantization with a lossy-compressed bit
- Forecasting of Cairo Population using ARMA Model
- Gap Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna
- Green's Function Using Schelkunoff Integrals for Horizontal Electric Dipoles Over an Imperfect Ground Plane
- Heretical Multiple Importance Sampling
- Human Activity Recognition by Combining a Small Number of Classifiers
- Improving the efficiency of IRWLS SVMs using parallel Cholesky factorization
- Infinite Continuous Feature Model for Psychiatric Comorbidity Analysis
- Infinite Factorial Unbounded-State Hidden Markov Model
- Interactive knowledge discovery and data mining on genomic expression data with numeric formal concept analysis
- Laplace Approximation for Divisive Gaussian Processes for Nonstationary Regression
- Leaky-Wave Thinned Phased Array in PCB Technology for Telecommunication Applications
- Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism
- Multi-Class Source-Channel Coding
- Multiantenna GLR Detection of Rank-One Signals With Known Power Spectral Shape Under Spatially Uncorrelated Noise
- New Technologies and Trends for Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting Services
- Novel orthogonal multi-sequences for an efficient jamming on the UMTS signal
- On the Waterfall Performance of Finite-Length SC-LDPC Codes Constructed From Protographs
- On the use of the channel second-order statistics in MMSE receivers for time- and frequency-selective MIMO transmission systems
- Orthogonal parallel MCMC methods for sampling and optimization
- PAPR Reduction via Constellation Extension in OFDM Systems Using Generalized Benders Decomposition and Branch-and-Bound Techniques
- Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
- Performance of OPS-SAP technique for PAPR reduction in IEEE 802.11p scenarios
- Phase Noise Degradation in Massive MIMO Downlink With Zero-Forcing and Maximum Ratio Transmission Precoding
- Posidonia: A Tool for HPC and Remote Scientific Simulations
- Prior Design for Dependent Dirichlet Processes: An Application to Marathon Modeling
- Radial Basis Function Interpolation for Signal-Model-Independent Localization
- Regularized multivariate analysis framework for interpretable high-dimensional variable selection
- Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design
- Second-Order Nedelec Curl-Conforming Prismatic Element for Computational Electromagnetics
- Self-Adaptive hp Finite Element Method with Iterative Mesh Truncation Technique Accelerated with Adaptive Cross Approximation
- Short-Packet Communications Over Multiple-Antenna Rayleigh-Fading Channels
- Sparse Distributed Estimation via Heterogeneous Diffusion Adaptive Networks
- Stability analysis and design of negative impedance converters: application to circuit and small antennas
- Stability analysis and robust control of heart beat rate during treadmill exercise
- Submersible Printed Split-Ring Resonator-Based Sensor for Thin-Film Detection and Permittivity Characterization
- Supporting scientific knowledge discovery with extended, generalized Formal Concept Analysis
- The BGP Visibility Toolkit: detecting anomalous internet routing behavior
- The Shannon lower bound is asymptotically tight
- The spectra of reducible matrices over complete commutative idempotent semifields and their spectral lattices
- Toward Massive, Ultrareliable, and Low-Latency Wireless Communication With Short Packets
- Uniform convergence over time of a nested particle filtering scheme for recursive parameter estimation in state-space Markov models
- Verification Process of Finite-Element Method Code for Electromagnetics: Using the method of manufactured solutions
- Where Does the Far Field of an Antenna Start? [Stand on Standards]
Conference Contributions
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Asymptotic Tightness of the Shannon Lower Bound
- A blind interference alignment scheme for practical channels
- A general rate-distortion converse bound for entropy-constrained scalar quantization
- A hands-on approach for engineering students and practitioners to analyze electromagnetic interactions on flat boundaries
- A hierarchical algorithm for causality discovery among atrial fibrillation electrograms
- An analysis of deep neural networks in broad phonetic classes for noisy speech recognition
- Block-based combined scheme exploiting sparsity in nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation
- Bootstrap-based detection of the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets
- Compact direct detection Schottky receiver modules for sub-terahertz wireless communications
- Continuous Expressive Speaking Styles Synthesis based on CVSM and MR-HMM
- Design of a Sensory and Vision System for a Rescuer Robot in Coal Mine Areas
- Detecting the dimension of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets in the sample poor regime
- Detection of cyclostationarity in the presence of temporal or spatial structure with applications to cognitive radio
- Determining the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets for small sample support
- Dual Polarized Ultra Wideband Feed System for VLBI Global Observation System Applications
- Efficient up-conversion of weak THz signals into the optical domain using a whispering gallery mode resonator
- Electromagnetic time reversal: What does it imply?
- Embedded matching networks for electrically small antennas
- End to end measurements of multimedia streaming over LTE
- Far field's starting distance
- Feasibility of a wearable textile antenna hub based on massive MIMO systems
- Feature selection in solar radiation prediction using bootstrapped SVRs
- Higher Order Finite Element Method Simulator for Antenna Analysis
- Higher order finite element method solver for the analysis of microwave devices in planar technology
- Hypothesis testing and quasi-perfect codes
- Leaky wave antenna integrated into gap waveguide technology
- Maximum power transfer versus efficiency
- Multilevel aggressive space mapping applied to coupled-resonator filters
- Multiple quantum hypothesis testing expressions and classical-quantum channel converse bounds
- Optically controlled millimetre wave phase shifter
- Overview of ultrawideband systems
- Posidonia: a software tool for HPC scientific simulations
- Posidonia: a tool for HPC and remote scientific simulations
- Predicting the starting distance of the far field
- Propagation in cellular networks
- Prototyping and measurements for a LiFi system
- Radio astronomy ultra wideband receiver covering the 2-14 GHz frequency band for VGOS applications
- Radioastronomy Instrumentation Projects at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Room-temperature photon-counting receiver scheme for cosmic microwave background polarization measurements
- SINR analysis of OFDM and f-OFDM for machine type communications
- Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Prism for Finite Element Computations
- Split Kernel Adaptive Filtering Architecture for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Split-ring resonator-based sensor for thin-film sensing applications
- Sub-THz photon counting receiver working at room temperature for polarization measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation
- Towards a common integration platform for photonics and electronics. Challenges for assembly and packaging
- Towards aural saliency detection with logarithmic Bayesian Surprise under different spectro-temporal representations
- Towards galois connections over positive semifields
- Voxel importance in classifier ensembles based on sign consistency patterns: application to sMRI
- Wireless networks of bounded capacity
- Analysis and categorisation of eu. domain names
- Asesoramiento técnico en técnicas de Machine Learning aplicadas al sector bancario
- Asesoramiento técnico para AISTATS 2016
- Decodificación iterativa en longitud finita: límites fundamentales, construcciones prácticas e inferencia
- Demostrador de prestaciones de antenas transparentes
- Desarrollo de un alimentador multibanda con capacidad de autotracking
- Desarrollo de un prototipo de aplicación para la captura, etiquetado y visualización de vídeo: AZOR
- Desarrollo y entrega de aplicación software para la Plataforma de análisis inteligente de Buongiorno
- Detección de Ondas Gravitacionales primordiales mediante un receptor de conteo de fotones trabajando a temperatura ambiente
- Dichroic Frequency Selective Surface FSS Design for Ku-band
- Diseño de flitros plano E en banda KA
- Diseños de antenas para SATCOM en movimiento en banda Ka basados en el uso de metasuperficies
- Escaparate Interactivo Turístico. Accesible desde cualquier móvil (sin aplicación) y con contenidos extraídos de analizar e interpretar fotos públicas subidas a las redes sociales por turistas que visitan esa misma zona (ESITUR)
- Macro Aprendizaje y Diseño con Optimización Bayesiana por Enventanado
- Métodos computacionales bayesianos avanzados pare estimación, predicción y control en sistemas multisensoriales complejos
- RKAF RADAR CROSS SECTION OFFSET. Pedido nº E 9777945 Q, Posición 00001
- Receptores de alta sensibilidad para Módulos Transmisores y Receptores integrados de Comunicaciones Inalambricas en rango.
- Servicio de análisis de los proyectos de investigación mediante el modelado de tópicos, los métodos de agrupamiento y la visualización de grafos
- Servicios tipificación bbdd dominios.es
- Simulador electromagnético para entorno HPC.
Supervised Theses
- Análisis exploratorio de datos de expresión genómica mediante el análisis en conceptos formales
- Contributions to the solution of the rate-distorsion optimization problem in video coding
- Covering THz Gap Using Photomixers Techonologies: Arrays and new Antenna Topologies
- Diseño de algoritmos para el control de complejidad en codificación de vídeo
- Paralelización eficiente en métodos de núcleo.