Outputs for COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department (Year 2016)
- A Model of Biomimetic Process Assets to Simulate their Impact on Strategic Goals
- A Survey of Wearable Biometric Recognition Systems.
- A Two-Stage Combining Classifier Model for the Development of Adaptive Dialog Systems
- A competence-performance based model to develop a syntactic language for artificial agents
- A framework for improving error detection and correction in spoken dialog systems
- A model-driven approach to generate and deploy videogames on multiple platforms
- A neural network approach to intention modeling for user-adapted conversational agents
- A new TRNG based on coherent sampling with self-timed rings
- A stopping criterion for multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms
- A systematic review of data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks
- ALTERDROID: Differential Fault Analysis of Obfuscated Smartphone Malware
- Alpha band disruption in the AD-continuum starts in the subjective cognitive decline stage: a MEG study
- An Agile Framework Definition for Creating an Engineering Massive Open Online Course from Scratch: A Case Study
- An Agile Framework Definition for creating an engineering Massive Open Online Course from scratch. A case study
- An Industrial Survey on Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis Practice
- Analyzing the energy consumption of the storage data path
- Aproximación experimental al uso de métricas objetivas para la estimación de calidad cromática en la digitalización de patrimonio documental gráfico
- Autonomously evolving classifier TEDAClass
- Avoiding communication barriers in the classroom: the APEINTA project
- Big-Data Approach for Three-Dimensional Building Extraction from Aerial Laser Scanning
- Bootstrapping security policies for wearable Apps using attributed structural graphs
- CALIMACO: application of multimodal dialog systems and mobile devices to provide enhanced library services
- CESARSC: Framework for creating Cultural Entertainment Systems with Augmented Reality in Smart Cities
- Compiling irrelevant objects to counters. Special case of creation planning
- Conceptual models of drug-drug interactions: A summary of recent efforts
- Coproduction as an Approach to Technology-Mediated Citizen Participation in Emergency Management
- Design Patterns Combination for Agile Development of Teaching/Learning Haptic Simulators
- Designing Mobile Applications for Emergency Response: Citizens Acting as Human Sensors
- Designing a Human Supervisory Control System for Smart Grid
- Distributed multi-dimensional feature recognition and multi-level semantic classification model for comouter vision
- Early knowledge organization assisted by aspects
- EasyLecto: Un sistema de simplificación léxica de efectos adversos presentes en prospectos de fármacos en español
- Electronic institutions and neural computing providing law-compliance privacy for trusting agents
- Enhancing Financial Portfolio Robustness with an Objective Based on epsilon-Neighborhoods
Evidence management
for compliance of critical systems with safety standards: A survey on the state
of practice - Exploiting in-memory storage for improving workflow executions in Cloud platforms
- Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data
- IT innovation strategy: managing the implementation communication and its generated knowledge through the use of an ICT tool
- Implementing a privacy-enhanced attribute-based credential system for online social networks with co-ownership management
- Improving performance using computational compression through memoization: A case study using a railway power consumption simulator
Introduction to sustainable
ultrascale computing systems and applications - MESSRS: A model-based 3D system for of recognition, semantic annotation and calculating the spatial relationships of a factory's digital facilities
- MONEDA: scalable multi-objective optimization with a neural network-based estimation of distribution algorithm
- Machine learning techniques for daily solar energy prediction and interpolation using numerical weather models
- Managing inventory levels and time to market in assembly supply chains by swarm intelligence algorithms
- Mobile Conversational Agents for Context-Aware Care Applications
- Mobility management: deployment and adaptability aspects through mobile data traffic analysis
- Model-based specification of safety compliance needs for critical systems: A holistic generic metamodel
- Modelo para medir la Calidad de Activos de Ingeniería de Requisitos
- Multi-view human action recognition using 2D motion templates based on MHIs and their HOG description
Máquinas computacionales y conciencia
artificial. - Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Contemporary Problems, Causes, and Effects in Practice
- Nenek: a cloud-based collaboration platform for the management of Amerindian language resources
- On the combination of support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for anomaly detection: A petroleum industry comparative study
- PAgIoT - Privacy-preserving Aggregation protocol for Internet of Things
- Planning and execution through variable resolution planning
- Privacy Models in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
- RS-Pooling: an adaptive data distribution strategy for fault-tolerant and large-scale storage systems
- Real-Time Prediction of Gamers Behavior Using Variable Order Markov and Big Data Technology: A Case of Study.
- Robust technical trading strategies using GP for algorithmic portfolio selection
- SMORE: Towards a semantic modeling for knowledge representation on social media
- Software Support for Multitouch Interaction: The End-User Programming Perspective
- Supporting the serendipitous use of domestic technologies
- Teaching ethics to engineers: a socratic experience
- Tendencias en el perfil tecnológico del profesional de la información = Trends in the technological profile of information professionals
- The IBaCoP Planning System: Instance-Based Configured Portfolios
- The scientometric bubble considered harmful
- Towards a Gamification Framework for Software Process Improvement Initiatives: Construction and Validation
- Turning user generated health-related content into actionable knowledge through text analytics services
- Two-Level Classifier Ensembles for Coffee Rust Estimation in Colombian Crops
- Uncovering hidden process assets: A case study
- Using automated planning for traffic signals control
Validación de la Aplicación de un Modelo para la
mejora de la Ingeniería de Requisitos - Variability management in process families through change patterns
- Vision Based Traffic Surveys in Urban Environments
- Vision-based traffic surveys in urban environments
- Web news mining in an evolving framework
- WepSIM: Simulador modular e interactivo de un procesador elemental para facilitar una visión integrada de la microprogramación y la programación en ensamblador
- XBRL formula specification in the multidimensional data model
- eGovernAbility: Marco para el desarrollo de servicios personalizables accesibles en la Administración electrónica
- Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing - 16th International Conference, ICA3PP 2016, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings
- Context Enhanced Information Fusion - Boosting Real World Performance with Domain Knowledge
- ICA3PP 2016 Collocated Workshops: SCDT, TAPEMS, BigTrust, UCER, DLMCS, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings
- Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries : Third International Conference, ISCRAM-med 2016, Madrid, Spain, October 26-28, 2016, Proceedings
- Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing
- Interacción Persona-Ordenador: Visiones y contextos. [Número monográfico de: Novática: revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informátic, n. 235]
- Problem book 2010-2015 : final exam problem collection : Cryptography and Computer Security
- Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge, November 9-10, 2016, in Porto, Portugal
- Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016), Sofia, Bulgaria, October, 6-7, 2016
- Recopilación de problemas de examen 2010-2015 : asignatura, Criptografía y Seguridad Informática
- Special Section on the 18th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIBSEཋ) [Journal of Object Technology, 15(3)]
Book Chapters
- Architectural Aspects for Context Exploitation in Information Fusion. In: Context-Enhanced Information Fusion : Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge
- Context-Based Situation Recognition in Computer Vision Systems. In: Context-Enhanced Information Fusion : Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge
- Criptografía. In: Conceptos fundamentales de inteligencia
- Information Fusion for Improving Decision-Making in Big Data Applications. In: Resource Management for Big Data Platforms : Algorithms, Modelling, and High-Performance Computing Techniques
- Military Usages of Speech and Language Technologies: A Review. In: Meeting Security Challenges Through Data Analytics and Decision Support
- Minimising safety stock and lead time in production systems under guaranteed-service time models by swarm intelligence. In: Metaheuristics for production systems
- TIMIPLAN: A tool for transportation tasks. In: Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems
- The Route to Software Process Improvement in Small -and Medium- Sized Enterprises. In: Managing Software Process Evolution. Traditional, Agile and Beyond - How to Handle Process Change
Conference Contributions
- A C++ Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream Processing
- A Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for DMCF workflows over Hercules
- A Look into 30 Years of Malware Development from a Software Metrics Perspective
- A generic I/O architecture for data-intensiveapplications based on in-memorydistributed cache
- A software tool for the design and simulation of X-ray acquisition protocols
- A survey on data-centric and data-aware techniques for large scale infrastructures
- ACTIS: Automatic Compile-Time Implementation Selector for Heterogeneous Platforms
- ADROIT: Android malware detection using meta-information
- Abstraction Heuristics for Symbolic Bidirectional Search
- Agree Or Perish: A Crowd Controlled Augmented Reality Pervasive Game
- An Optimized and Fast Scheme for Real-time Human Detection using Raspberry Pi
- Analysis of the alignment of Spanish Master's programs to US National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework
- Analyzing and Visualizing Emergency Information in a Multi Device Environment
- Analyzing the Performance of Volunteer Computing for Data Intensive Applications
- Application Partitioning and Mapping Techniques for Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms
- Application of Software Engineering Techniques to provide a Formal, Repeatable Methodology to teach Programming in the Field of Statistics and Business
- Applying INCOSE Rules for writing high-quality requirements in Industry
- Aproximación al Aprendizaje Profundo para Extracción de Relaciones en textos biomédicos
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments
- Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems
- ArduWorm: A Functional Malware Targeting Arduino Devices
- Ase-PoW: a Proof of Ownership mechanism for cloud deduplication in hierarchical environments
- Automatic classification of web images as UML diagrams
- Autonomous Data Density based clustering method
- Bridging the Gap between Natural Language Requirements and Formal Specifications
Business Rule
Patterns Catalog for Structural Business Rules - CID: A Compile-Time Implementation Decider for Heterogeneous Platforms Based on C++ Attributes
- CLARC: a robotic architecture for comprehensive geriatric assessment
- CLARISSE: a middleware for data-staging coordination and control on large-scale HPC platforms
- Cloudification of a Legacy Hydrological Simulator using Apache Spark
- Creating Interactive and Realistic Augmented Reality Experiences
- Data Processing for a Water Quality Detection System on Colombian Rio Piedras Basin
Data Storage
Technology for System Artifacts - Data for all and all for Data: Perspectivas y Oportunidades en la Web de Datos
- Design and evaluation of a parallel and multi-platform cone-beam X-Ray simulation framework
- Developing Responsive and Interactive Environments with the ROSS Toolkit
- Discovering pipeline parallel patterns in sequential legacy C++ codes
- Do Models Improve the Understanding of Safety Compliance Needs? Insights from a Pilot Experiment
Embedding Semantics
of the Single-Producer/Single-Consumer Lock-Free Queue into a Race Detection
Tool - Emergency Management and Smart Cities: Civic Engagement Through Gamification
- Estudio del rendimiento de plataformas de computación voluntaria para aplicaciones intensivas en datos
- Exploring a Distributed Iterative Reconstructor Based on Split Bregman Using PETSc
- Exploring language technologies to provide support to WCAG 2.0 and E2R guidelines
- Exploring the Application of Hybrid Evolutionary Computation Techniques to Physical Activity Recognition
- Exploring the Benefits of Immersive End User Development for Virtual Reality
- Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions by Recursive Matrix-Vector Spaces
- Extraction of Patterns Using NLP: US and European Patents Domain
Flexible Data-Aware
Scheduling for Workflows over an In-Memory Object Store - Forecasting Time Series by an Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks based on transforming the Time Series
- Full accessibilty system for people with sensorial disability
Identifying Parallel
Patterns in C++ Codes - Impact of Firm Created Content on Brand Engagement in the Spanish twittersphere
- Impact of firm created content on user generated content in the Spanish twittersphere
Improving Detection
of Data Races and Misuses of Lock-Free Queues via Semantics - Improving the Performance of Volunteer Computing with Data Volunteers: A Case Study with the ATLAS@home Project
- Improving the energy efficiency of MPI applications by means of malleability
- Inclusive access to emergency services: An action research project focused on hearing impaired citizens
- Inmersive End User Development for Virtual Reality
- Integrating real driving routes in a simulated environment
- Interactive activities: the key to learning programming with MOOCs
- Introducing Parallelism by using REPARA C++ Attributes
- LABDA at the 2016 BioASQ challenge task 4a: Semantic Indexing by using ElasticSearch
- LABDA at the 2016 TASS challenge task: using word embeddings for the sentiment analysis task
La aplicación del Big Data a los contenidos
audiovisuales - Lessons Learned from Applying Big Data Paradigms to a Large Scale Scientific Workflow
- Methodological Approach to Data-Centric Cloudification of Scientific Iterative Workflows
- Metodología Lego® Serious Play® para mejorar la Participación y consolidar el Aprendizaje de Conceptos
- Migración portable y de altas prestaciones de aplicaciones Matlab a C++: deconvolución esférica de datos de resonancia magnética por difusión
Migración portable y
de altas prestaciones de aplicaciones Matlab a C++: deconvolución esférica de
datos de resonancia magnética por difusión - NAOTherapist: autonomous assistance of physical rehabilitation therapies with a social humanoid robot
- OSLC Knowledge Management
OSLC Knowledge Management: A reality
ready to use - Paralelización automática en tiempo de compilación de códigos C++
- Parallel Computing TEDA for High Frequency Streaming Data Clustering
- People Counting in Videos by Fusing Temporal Cues from Spatial Context-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks
- Percepts symbols or Action symbols? Generalizing how all modules interact within a software architecture for cognitive robotics
- Porting Matlab applications to high-performance C++ codes: CPU/GPU-accelerated spherical deconvolution of diffusion MRI data
- Practitioners' Perspectives on Change Impact Analysis for Safety-Critical Software - A Preliminary Analysis
- Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016)
- Propuesta Arquitectónica para la ejecución de tareas en Apache Spark para entornos heterogéneos.
- QuizMonitor: a learning platform that leverages student monitoring
- Requirements Engineering: More Is Not Necessarily Better
- Requirements Engineering: More Is Not Necessarily Better
- Requirements Management: a knowledge-centric approach
- Requirements Quality Analysis: A Successful Case Study in the Industry
- Retos y Nuevas Fórmulas para la Transferencia de I+D a la Industria
- Sequential classifiers for network intrusion detection based on data selection process
- Shall We Collaborate?: A Model to Analyse the Benefits of Information Sharing
- Simplifying Drug Package Leaflets
- Social network analysis: Evolving Twitter mining
- Software Engineers must speak the Systemic Intangible Process Assets Language
- Software economics under the prims of systems thinking
- Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and European Patents Domain
- Systems Engineering in the Industrial Environment: Requirements Engineering Processes
- Testing ADAS thought simulated driving situations analysis: environment configuration
- Topic analysis of Twitter content from Ibero-America: application to car brands
- Topology-Aware Data Aggregation for Intensive I/O on Large-Scale Supercomputers
- Trends and Needs in Requirements Engineering Research in Ibero-America: Insights from a Panel
- Using Recursive Neural Networks to Detect and Classify Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts
- Virtual/Augmented/Mixed/ Reality project exhibitions and demos by national and international researchers
- WepSIM: simulador integrado de microprogramación y programación en Ensamblador
- Work in progress about enhancing the programmability and energy efficiency of storage in HPC and cloud environments
- X-Ray Scatter Correction Method for Planar Radiography Based on a Beam Stopper: a Simulation Study
¿Para qué sirve la filosofía a los ingenieros?
Descubriendo el principio de finalidad en los artefactos
- Accesorio para la visualización en salas de proyección de elementos de accesibilidad asociados a contenidos audiovisuales
- Procedimiento y sistema de acreditación de autorizaciones para vehículos en circulación
- Agora, Natural Language Technologies, Initial study definition
- Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical. Systems
- Aseguramiento y certificación dirigidos por la arquitectura, multi-criterio y transparente de sistemas ciber-físicos
- CitiSim: Plataforma inteligente avanzada para el entretenimiento incrustado en juegos de negocios y redes sociales para detectar y mejorar talento
- Comparativa de rendimiento de APP en dispositivos móviles
- Consultoría sobre aprendizaje por refuerzo para proyectos de Big Data Analytics
- Curso sobre Gestión de riesgos y mejora de la seguridad del paciente
- Diseño y desarrollo de motor semántico
- Estudio inicial de rendimiento en módulo de generación de medidas de riesgo de crédito en cálculo de CVA
- Evaluación de proyectos Conecta Peme 2016
- GOTCHA: GOAC TRL-increase convenience-enhacements, hardening and application-extension
- GOVeIN European e Invoicing Project: Implementation of the European electronic invoice within the Public health
- Hacia la unificación de paradigmas hpc y big data.
- Implementation of a web portal
- Instrucción y entrenamiento para la producción de servicios de accesibilidad para el subtitulado de contenidos audiovisuales
- Instrucción y entrenamiento para producción de servicios de accesibilidad para el subtitulado de contenidos audiovisuales
- Investigación en la mejora del rendimiento del motor de de valoración desarrollado por Quantitative Development
- Mantenimiento de un servidor seguro para alojar la aplicación CES, gestión de usuarios, soporte técnico y solución de incidencias en el alojamiento del servidor
- Mantenimiento evolutivo de la plataforma de formación a distancia en CIE10ES (Clasificación internacional de enfermedades, 10ª revisión-modificación para diagnósticos y procedimientos)
- Maquetación de contenidos e implementación de los cursos "Gestión básica de proyectos" y "Basic Project Management"
- Mecanismos de Seguridad para Fog Computing - Seguridad Avanzada para Dispositivos
- Mentorización de Talentums
- Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch
- Optimizing bidding responses for procurement auctions with software tools
- Pervasive and Affordable technologies for Civic Engagement
- Planificación automática aplicada a bots conversacionales
- Plataforma Cloud de Servicios Integrales y Subasta de Portes Basada en IoT Aplicada al Transporte
- Realización de memorias técnicas y asesoramiento para la gestión del I+D de las empresas
- Sistema Autónomo de VIgilancia y SEguridad basado en multirotores (ADVISE)
- Sistema Autónomo para la Intervención en Emergencias (SALINE)
- Sistema de planificación inteligente del transporte colectivo con generación optimizada de rutas (PLICOGOR)
- Submarino Autónomo para la Inspección de instalaciones Off-shoRe (SAILOR)
- Tecnologías a lo largo de la vida para robots sociales en hogares inteligentes
- AKARI-1: Generador de números pseudoaleatorios para dispositivos ligeros
- AKARI-2: Generador de números pseudoaleatorios para dispositivos ligeros
- AKI: Automatic Kernel Identification
- DPE: Dynamic Partitioning Engine
- SPT: Static Partitioning Tool
- Sistema de recogida de subtítulos y sincronización vía DCP
- Sistema de sincronización en servidor mediante audio en abierto para elementos de accesibilidad
Supervised Theses
- A General Cognitive Framework for Context-Aware Systems: Extensions and Applications for High-Level Information Fusion Approaches
- A Generic I/O Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications Based on In-Memory Distributed Cache
- A cloudification methodology for high performance simulations
- A design pattern language to assist the design of alarm visualizations for operating control systems
- Algoritmo inteligente para el reconocimiento y acotación semántica de primitivas en una nube de puntos 3D
- An ontology for human-like interaction systems
- Application Partitioning and Mapping Techniques for Heterogeneous Platforms
- Automated Planning Through Abstractions in Dynamic and Stochastic Environments
- Designing collaborative technologies for long term emergency planning
- Enhancing the programmability and energy efficiency of storage in hpc and virtualized environments
- Extracción automática de modelos uml contenidos en imágenes
- High Performance Computing Techniques Applied to the Design of Complex Railway Infrastructures
- Marco de referencia para la comunicación y seguimiento de la implantación de una estrategia tecnológica
- Marco para la definicion multidimentsional del modelo de datos, estructura, taxonomías y reglas de la especificacion XBRL
- Metodología orientada a la optimización automática de la calidad de los requisitos
- Modelado y Desarrollo en el reconocimiento de Actividades de Grupo
- Portfolio Approaches for Problem Solving
- Predictive Statistical User Models under the Collaborative Approach
- Security protocols for mobile ubiquitous e-health systems