Outputs for THERMAL AND FLUIDS ENGINEERING Department (Year 2015)
- Absorption solar cooling systems using optimal driving temperatures
- Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Power Plant with CO2 Capture
- Agglomeration detection by pressure fluctuation analysis during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification in a fluidized bed
- Compressible-gas two-fluid modeling of isolated bubbles in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed and comparison with experiments
- Defluidization and agglomeration of a fluidized bed reactor during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification using sepiolite as a bed material
- Diffusion-flame ignition by shock-wave impingement on a supersonic mixing layer
- Dissolution of a CO2 spherical cap bubble adhered to a flat surface in air-saturated water
- Dissolution of a CO2 spherical cap bubble adhered to a flat surface in air-saturated water
- District cooling network connected to a solar power tower
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames
- Effect of the number of TGA curves employed on the biomass pyrolysis kinetics results obtained using the Distributed Activation Energy Model
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of local saturation and application to macroscopic continuum models
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of through-plane saturation distribution
- Energy storage with PCM in fluidized beds: Modeling and experiments
- Experimental analysis and simulation of the performance of a box-type solar cooker
- Experimental assessment of vapour adiabatic absorption into solution droplets using a full cone nozzle
- Experimental heat transfer coefficients between a surface and fixed and fluidized beds with PCM
- Experimental heat transformer monitoring based on linear modelling and statistical control process
- Flow patterns of external solar receivers
- Formation of corner waves in the wake of a partially submerged bluff body
- Fully coupled TFM-DEM simulations to study the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed
- Generation of Microbubbles with Applications to Industry and Medicine
- Generation of Microbubbles with Applications to Industry and Medicine
- Ignition, Liftoff, and Extinction of Gaseous Diffusion Flames
- Is it possible to design a portable power generator based on micro-solid oxide fuel cells? A finite volume analysis
- Maldistribution detection in bubbling fluidized beds
- On the effects of assembly compression on the performance of liquid-feed DMFCs under methanol-limiting conditions: A 2D numerical study
- Optimization of the feeding ports location in a fluidized bed combustor based on Monte Carlo simulations of fuel particles motion
- Revised receiver efficiency of molten-salt power towers
- Solar flux distribution on central receivers: A projection method from analytic function
- Solar heating by radiant floor: Experimental results and emission reduction obtained with a micro photovoltaic-heat pump system
- Stagnant regions estimation in fluidized beds from bed surface observations
- The Taylor-SPH meshfree method: Basis and validation
- The large-activation-energy analysis of strain-induced extinction
- The role of separation of scales in the description of spray combustion
- Three-dimensional two-fluid modeling of a cylindrical fluidized bed and validation of the Maximum Entropy method to determine bubble properties
- Unfolding the Phase Space Structure of Noisy Time Series by means of Angular First-Return Maps
Book Chapters
- Las cocinas solares, cómo salvar vidas y reducir el consumo energético. In: Las energías renovables como instrumento de lucha contra la pobreza
- Modelling of membrane-based micro-absorbers for absorption cooling technology. In: Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency
- Wall Conduction Effects in Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers with Small-Scale Wall Corrugations. In: Heat Transfer Studies and Applications
Conference Contributions
- A novel technique to control the bubble formation process in a co-flow configuration with planar geometry
- An anisotropic adaptive finite element method for the solution of time-dependent laminar combustion problems
- Effects of natural convection on thermal explosions in spherical vessels
- Estudio experimental de un lecho fluidizado con PCM con intercambiador de calor
- Experimental study in a fluidized bed with granular PCM with an internal heat exchanger
- Fast X-ray tomography for the analysis of segregation during nanopowder fluidization
- Global linear instability analysis of diffusion-flame flickering
- Impacto computacional del esquema diagonalmente implicito de Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) en la simulación numerica 1-d transitoria de flujos con cambio de fase
- Methanol ignition by a line energy source embedded in a wall
- Micro-absorption chiller components based on membrane technology
- Modelling of membrane-based micro-absorbers for absorption cooling technology
- Non-linear state selection of axially confined viscous liquid jets
- On the mass-transfer properties of partially-saturated carbon-paper gas diffusion layers: global vs. local effective diffusivity
- Performance evaluation of H2O-LiBr absorber operating with microporous membrane technology
- Relaciones epsilon-NTU para intercambiadores de placas con múltiples pasos y número reducido de placas
- SimEx: SIMulador de EXplosiones mediante sistemas SDOF
- Caracterización experimental de la atomización de formulaciones de gasóleo de calefacción con componentes alternativos
- Design and performance tool for a solar power plant of 10MW
- Generación de gotas y burbujas: análisis de su dinámica colectiva en procesos naturales e ingenieriles con aplicaciones industriales y medioambientales
- Modelización y nuevos diseños en acumuladores de agua estratificada
- Pirólisis de lodos de depuradora en lecho fluido
- Reactor de sales solares fundidas para hybridación solar-biomasa
- Research Chair Shouhang (Concentrating Solar Power-transient behavior of the receiver and plant optimization for Molten Salt Power Tower)
Supervised Theses
- Análisis de las centrales termosolares Tipo Torre=On the design of solar external receivers.
- Experimental and analytical study of the interaction between short acoustic pulses and small clouds of microbubbles.
- Eyector-absorbedor adiabático como potenciador de un ciclo híbrido para refrigeración por absorción basado en la disolución amoniaco-nitrato de litio.
- Gas maldistribution in fluidized beds
- Ignition and extinction analyses of spray diffusion flames
- Multiphysics modeling of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells and characterization of diffusive transport properties of gas diffusion layers