Outputs for SIGNAL THEORY AND COMMUNICATIONS Department (Year 2014)
- 100% classification accuracy considered harmful: The normalized information transfer factor explains the accuracy paradox
- 3D hp-adaptive finite element simulations of bend, step, and magic-T electromagnetic waveguide structures
- A Bayesian approach for adaptive multiantenna sensing in cognitive radio networks
- A Derivation of the Source-Channel Error Exponent Using Nonidentical Product Distributions
- A Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation
- A Novel Sub-THz Photomixer With Nano-Trapezoidal Electrodes
- A Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Joint Parameter Estimation and Biomass Tracking in a Stochastic Predator-Prey System
- A comparison of nonlinear population Monte Carlo and particle Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian inference in stochastic kinetic models
- A course proposal on pareto-based multi-objective microwave-circuit optimization using the genetic algorithm
- A distributed particle filter for nonlinear tracking in wireless sensor networks
- A multiple kernel learning approach to perform classification of groups from complex-valued fMRI data analysis: Application to schizophrenia
- A rate-splitting approach to fading channels with imperfect channel-state information
- A regularized matrix factorization approach to induce structured sparse-low-rank solutions in the EEG inverse problem
- A study of transmission of RF signal with single conductor wire
- Achievable rate and fairness in coordinated base station transmission
- An automated screening system for tuberculosis
- Application of the schelkunoff formulation to the sommerfeld problem of a vertical electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground
- Bayesian nonparametric comorbidity analysis of psychiatric disorders
- Broadband active differential array for the mid-frequency SKA band
- Calculation of Far-Field Radiation Pattern Using Nonuniformly Spaced Antennas by a Least Square Method
- Combination of the three types of diversity to design high capacity compact MIMO terminal
- Comments on "THz Time-Domain Sensing: The Antenna Dispersion Problem and a Possible Solution"
- Comparison of optimization algorithms in the sensor selection for predictive target tracking
- Comparison of the Performance between a Parasitically Coupled and a Direct Coupled Feed for a Microstrip Antenna Array
- Discovering brain regions relevant to obsessive-compulsive disorder identification through bagging and transduction
- Divisive gaussian processes for nonstationary regression
- Dynamic flux balance analysis for predicting gene overexpression effects in batch cultures
- Expectation Propagation Detection for High-Order High-Dimensional MIMO Systems
- Fairness-Adaptive Goodput-Based Resource Allocation in OFDMA Downlink with ARQ
- Formación en emprendimiento para periodistas
- High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations with Applications to BICM
- Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding
- Improving the pass-band return loss in liquid crystal dual-mode bandpass filters by microstrip patch reshaping
- Information-Estimation Relationships Over Binomial and Negative Binomial Models
- Interference Pricing Mechanism for Downlink Multicell Coordinated Beamforming
- Meander dipole antenna to increase CW THz photomixing emitted power
- Nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation based on sparse functional link representations
- Objective diagnosis of ADHD using IMUs
- On the Use of Leaky Wave Phased Arrays for the Reduction of the Grating Lobe Level
- Particle-kernel estimation of the filter density in state-space models
- Planar Dual-Mode Horn Array With Corporate-Feed Network in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
- Quasi-Static Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels at Finite Blocklength
- Radially Polarized Annular-Slot Leaky-Wave Antenna for Three-Dimensional Near-Field Microwave Focusing
- Reply to "Comments on 'A Physics-Based Green's Function for Analysis of Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation Over an Imperfect Ground Plane'"
- Retrieval of biophysical parameters with heteroscedastic Gaussian processes
- Selective forwarding for energy-efficient target tracking in sensor networks
- Sensitivity Analysis for Active Matched Antennas With Non-Foster Elements
- Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Reduce the Perceived Flicker Artifact
- Target detection for low cost uncooled MWIR cameras based on empirical mode decomposition
- Textile soft surface for back radiation reduction in bent wearable antennas
- The natural resonant singularity expansion method (SEM) poles for a dielectric sphere in various environments
- Thin and compact dual-band four-element broadside patch antenna arrays
- Wearable biomedical measurement systems for assessment of mental stress of combatants in real time
- Wireless corner: RFID-based traceability along the food-production chain
Book Chapters
- Fusion of Multiple Visual Cues for Object Recognition in Videos. In: Fusion in Computer Vision : Understanding Complex Visual Content
- Model for QoE estimation based on QoS parameters monitoring for multimedia convergent services (3- Play). In: Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services: From Evaluation to Monitoring
Conference Contributions
- A Bayesian model for brain tumor classification using clinical-based features
- A Comparison of Open-Source Segmentation Architectures for Dealing with Imperfect Data from the Media in Speech Synthesis
- A Control Theoretic Approach to Solve a Constrained Uplink Power Dynamic Game
- A Rate-Splitting Approach to Fading Multiple-Access Channels with Imperfect Channel-State Information
- A Web-based Application for the Management and Evaluation of Tutoring Requests in PBL-Based Massive Laboratories
- A bayesian nonparametric receiver for joint channel estimation and symbol detection for multiple users
- A comparative study of two popular families of sparsity-aware adaptive filters
- A dual circular polarization broad-band feed for ring focus configuration
- A model to evaluate MBSFN and AL-FEC techniques in a multicast video streaming service
- A novel feature extraction technique for human activity recognition
- ASR Feature Extraction with Morphologically-Filtered Power-Normalized Cochleograms
- Adaptive block diagonalization and user scheduling with out of cluster interference
- Adjustment of combination weights over adaptive diffusion networks
- An adaptive population importance sampler
- Asymptotic analysis of multiuser-MIMO networks with battery-constrained receivers
- Bayesian Nonparametric Poisson Factorization for Recommendation Systems
- Characterization of a Simple Threshold to Fight Out of Cluster Interference
- Cognitive blind interference alignment for macro-femto cellular networks
- Combining audio-visual features for viewers' perception classification of Youtube car commercials
- Consideraciones de diseño de adaptación activa para antenas cargadas con circuitos non-Foster
- Considerations on designing microstrip gap waveguide slot arrays
- Cooperative mesh networks with EGC detectors
- Deep Maxout Networks applied to Noise-Robust Speech Recognition
- Design of a transition from WR-15 to microstrip packaged by gap waveguide technology
- Development of a Genre-Dependent TTS System with Cross-Speaker Speaking- Style Transplantation
- Dielectric rod waveguide as an enabling technology for THz frequencies.
- Dispersion of Quasi-Static MIMO Fading Channels via Stokes' Theorem
- Distributed wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks
- Diversity versus multiplexing at finite blocklength
- Diversity versus multiplexing at finite blocklength
- Dyson conical Quad-Spiral Array for VLBI2010
- Energy profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer building blocks encountered in modern wireless communication systems
- Estimación distribuida con redes de difusión: algoritmo con combinadores adaptativos y agentes que preservan estimaciones locales
- Evaluation of the performance of wearable directive antennas based on Fabry-Perot type
- Grouped sparsity algorithm for multichannel intracardiac ECG synchronization
- Improved Interference Aware Precoding for Cellular Network-MIMO Systems
- Improved performance of LDPC-coded MIMO systems with EP-based soft-decisions
- Improving accessibility for hearing impaired on board the airplane with ASR
- Improving the finite-length performance of long SC-LDPC code chains by connecting consecutive chains
- Infinite Factorial Unbounded Hidden Markov Model For Blind Multiuser Channel Estimation
- Investigation of transitions for use in inverted microstrip gap waveguide antenna arrays
- Joint multicast/unicast scheduling with dynamic optimization for LTE multicast service
- Kernel-based identification of Hammerstein systems for nonlinear acoustic echo-cancellation
- Low Cost Self Diplexed Antenna in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Technology
- Map/Reduce Uncollapsed Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Nonparametric Models
- On Concept Lattices as Information Channels
- On the Dither-Quantized Gaussian Channel at Low SNR
- On the asymptotic optimality of Gray Codes for BICM and one-dimensional constellations
- On the choice of blind interference alignment strategy for cellular systems with data sharing
- On the finite semiconductor thickness effect applied to large area emitters devices for THz radiation
- Optimization of AMS using Weighted AUC optimized models
- Optimum sub-THz Room Temperature Radio Astronomy Receiver
- Orthogonal MCMC algorithms
- Overview of Antenna Designs Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
- Prospective new PMC based Gap Waveguide shielding for microwave modules
- Radio-over-Fiber Aided Base Station Coordination for OFDM
- Reduced-cost combination of adaptive filters for acoustic echo cancellation
- Room Temperature Receiver based on Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators for Radio Astronomy Applications.
- Separating wheat from chaff: Winnowing unintended prefixes using machine learning
- Señales DCO-OFDM eficientes para VLC utilizando Redes Neuronales adaptativas Difusas (ANFIS)
- Sincronización y Estimación de canal eficiente y robusta en sistemas CoMP OFDM
- State estimation using an Extended Kalman Filter with privacy protected observed inputs
- Structured sparse-low rank matrix factorization for the EEG inverse problem
- Study case: new methodology to develop and assess a program outcome in the context of a general educational program in telecommunications engineering
- Towards the algebraization of Formal Concept Analysis over complete dioids
- True Natural Gradient of Collapsed Variational Bayes
- Ultra-wideband Dielectric Rod Waveguide antenna as photomixer-based THz emitter
- Análisis mediante ordenador de un RFID 3DCOIL
- CASI-CAM-CM. Conceptos y Aplicaciones de los Sistemas Inteligentes
- DIFRAGEOS-CM. Desarrollos instrumentales fotónicos y de radiofrecuencia y aplicación a técnicas experimentales de geodesia espacial (difrageos)
- Desarrollo de algoritmos de análisis de calidad de datos adquiridos en las inspecciones de tubos de generadores de vapor
- Desarrollo de componentes y antenas en tecnología Gap-Waveguide para la mejora de prestaciones de transceptores en bandas de milimétricas
- Desarrollo de un proyecto piloto para analizar la viabilidad de utilizar Internet como fuente de datos
- Desarrollo de un sistema integrado de comunicaciones de alta tasa de datos en frecuencia de THz
- Desarrollo y soporte a la integración en armario de comunicaciones de antenas para la banda GPRS
- Diseño de Data Link 6
- Estudio de metodologías basadas en mercados predictivos para el fomento del emprendimiento.
- Expert opinion on specific technical questions on 3G/4G mobile network technology
- Miniaturización de antenas
- Overhead-Throughput-Optimal Signaling Schemes for Next-Generation Wireless Networks
- Proyecto experimental empleando técnicas de búsqueda de semántica latente para la vigilancia del Sector TIC y el fomento de la Sociedad de la Información
- Realización y suministro de balunes (simetrizadores) en las bandas de 2-4 Ghz, 8-12 GHz y 12-14 GHz en tecnología impresa.
- SPADERadar-CM. Space Debris Radar- Radar para detección de basura espacial.
- Servicio de Tipificación de la Base de Datos de Dominios ".es"
- Suministro de software de análisis de imagen para los registros en el Interfaz Hombre-Máquina (DMI)
- Técnicas robustas de visión artificial y su aplicación a los sistemas inteligentes de transporte para la mejora de la seguridad vial, la movilidad y la gestión del trafico
Supervised Theses
- A new software suite for electromagnetics
- Algoritmos para la reducción de los picos de potencia en los sistemas OFDM.
- Aplicación de metamateriales para el desarrollo de antenas activas autodiplexadas
- Bayesian nonparametric modeling of psychiatric disorders
- Clasificadores con pesos funcionales por puertas
- Design and Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks for Localization and Tracking
- Enhancing the Radiated Power in the Terahertz Band
- Functional brain imaging on mobile devices by solving the eeg inverse problem: a structured sparsity approach.
- Gaussian processes methods for nostationary regression
- Improving the capabilities from the antenna point of view at thz and sub-thz frequencies
- Information-estimation relationships over binomial, negative binomial and poisson models.
- Leaky Waves for Near and Far Field Antenna Beam Shaping.
- On the outer synchronization of complex dynamical networks