Outputs for COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department (Year 2014)
- A Study for the Application of Automated Planning to Mobile Assistive Robots
- A domain-independent statistical methodology for dialog management in spoken dialog systems
- A framework for the assessment of synthetic personalities according to user perception
- A guided mutation operator for dynamic diversity enhancement in evolutionary strategies
- A model-driven development approach for learning design using the LPCEL Editor
- A practical approach for active camera coordination based on a fusion-driven multi-agent system
- ACOTA: A Multilingual and Semi-Automatic Collaborative Tagging Web-based Approach
- ATAD: Assistive technology for an autonomus displacement
- Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system
- Accessibility services and interactive digital television: An opportunity to reduce the digital gap
- Agile practices adapted to mass-market application development
- An Estimator for the ASIC Footprint Area of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms
- An approach to develop intelligent learning environments by means of immersive virtual worlds
- An approach to the integration of accessibility requirements into a user interface development method
- Analysing the Suitability of Virtual Worlds for Direct Instruction and Individual Learning Activities
- Applications of ontologies in knowledge representation of human perception
- Applications, results and future direction (EAIS 12)
- Applying black-box testing to UML/OCL database models
- Applying information hiding in VANETs to covertly report misbehaving vehicles
- Augmented Presentations: Supporting the Communication in Presentations by Means of Augmented Reality
- Automatic Compilation of Objects to Counters in Automatic Planning. Case of study: Creation Planning
- Automatic design of noncryptographic hash functions using genetic programming
- Bi-criterion optimisation for configuring an assembly supply chain using Pareto ant colony meta-heuristic
- CONDESA: A Framework for Controlling Data Distribution on Elastic Server Architectures
- Combining additive input noise annealing and pattern transformations for improved handwritten character recognition
- Consuming and producing linked open data: the case of OpenCourse Ware
- Context aided pedestrian detection for danger estimation based on laser scanner and computer vision
- CooPeD: Co-owned Personal Data management
- Cryptanalysis of the Cho et al. protocol: A hash-based RFID tag mutual authentication protocol
- DENDROID: A text mining approach to analyzing and classifying code structures in Android malware families
- Desarrollo de portales de voz municipales interactivos y adaptados al usuario = Development of interactive and user-centered voice portals to provide municipal information
- Designing a Strategic Measurement Program for Software Engineering Organizations: Discovering Difficulties and Problems
- Developing multimodal conversational agents for an enhanced e-learning experience
- Empowering the access to public procurement opportunities by means of linking controlled vocabularies. A case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the European e-Procurement sector
- Energy management in solar cells powered wireless sensor networks for quality of service optimization
- Energy-neutral networked wireless sensors
- Estimating Energy Savings in Smart Street Lighting by using an Adaptive Control System
- Evaluating the accessibility of three open-source learning content management systems: A comparative study (versión 2014)
- Evaluation of a New Mobility Assistive Product for the Visually Impaired
- Evaluation of the Sonification Protocol of an Artificial Vision System for the Visually Impaired
- Evolution, Detection and Analysis of Malware for Smart Devices
- Evolutionary robustness analysis for multi-objective optimization: Benchmark problems
- Evolving classification of UNIX users' behaviors
- Explaining the adoption of Internet stock trading in Malaysia: Comparing models
- Extended U plus F Social Network Protocol: Interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in Web Based Social Networks
- Extended U+F social network protocol: interoperability, reusability, data protection and indirect relationships in web based social networks
- Extended mean-variance model for reliable evolutionary portfolio optimization
- Feature-based opinion mining through ontologies
- Gamification as a disruptive factor in software process improvement initiatives
- Human action recognition with sparse classification and multiple-view learning
- I-Competere: Using applied intelligence in search of competency gaps in software project managers
- In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models
- Inductive representations of RDF graphs
- InnoPro: A process to define and implement an innovation strategy
- Intelligent Architecture for Comparative Analysis of Public Companies Using Semantics and XBRL Data
- Introduction to cloud computing: platforms and solutions
- Issue Information
- Knowledge management acquisition improvement by using software engineering elicitation techniques
- Learning management systems and cloud file hosting services: A study on students' acceptance
- Lessons learnt from the DDIExtraction-2013 Shared Task
- Light on horizontal interactive surfaces: Input space for tabletop computing
- MARL-Ped: A multi-agent reinforcement learning based framework to simulate pedestrian groups
- Metamodeling generalization and other directed relationships in UML
- Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies
- Modeling the user state for context-aware spoken interaction in ambient assisted living
- Multi-view visualizations for emergency communities of volunteers
- NLP-inspired structural pattern recognition in chemical application
- New trends on e-Procurement applying semantic technologies
- New trends on e-Procurement applying semantic technologies: Current status and future challenges
- On the evocative power and play value of a wearable movement-to-sound interaction accessory in the free-play of schoolchildren
- Overview of the audio description in Spanish DTT channels
- Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications: Preface
- Performance of the most common non-cryptographic hash functions
- Predicting Protein Relationships to Human Pathways through a Relational Learning Approach Based on Simple Sequence Features
- Process Improvement from an Academic Perspective: How Could Software Engineering Education Contribute to CMMI Practices?
- Providing knowledge recommendations: An approach for informal electronic mentoring
- Randomized anagram revisited
- Recent advances in the Message Passing Interface
- SABUMO-dTest: Design and evaluation of an intelligent collaborative distributed testing framework
- Scenes and images into sounds: a taxonomy of image sonification methods for mobility applications
- Secure publish-subscribe protocols for heterogeneous medical wireless body area networks
- Security Models in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey
- Self-adaptive MOEA feature selection for classification of bankruptcy prediction data
- Semantic-based QoS management in cloud systems: current status and future challenges
- Sharing your view: A distributed user interface approach for reviewing emergency plans
- SoNeUCON(ABC), an expressive usage control model for Web-Based Social Networks
- Soft computing in finance and economics
- Special Issue on Mining the Pharmacovigilance Literature
- Special issue on exploiting semantic technologies with particularization on linked data over grid and cloud architecture
- Special issue: applications, results & future direction (EAIS 12): 2
- Study of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Agile Processes When Using Wikis
- Surfing the optimization space of a multiple-GPU parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm
- Temperature profile retrieval in axisymmetric combustion plumes using multilayer perceptron modeling and spectral feature selection in the infrared CO2 emission band
- The Fifth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search
- The Internet of things: connecting the world
- The Tap and Slide Keyboard: A New Interaction Method for Mobile Device Text Entry
- The awareness of privacy issues in ambient intelligence
- Thwarting obfuscated malware via differential fault analysis
- Towards a framework for multiple artificial neural network topologies validation by means of statistics
- TrendMiner: Large-scale cross-lingual trend mining summarization of real-time media streams
- Trustworthy placements: Improving quality and resilience in collaborative attack detection
- Un Proceso para Definir e Implementar una Estrategia de Innovación : (InnoPro: A Process to Define and Implement an Innovation Strategy)
- User-Centered Requirement Engineering for Accessible Chats in m-Learning
- Using Data Crawlers and Semantic Web to Build Financial XBRL Data Generators: The SONAR Extension Approach
- Utilización de las tecnologías del habla y de los mundos virtuales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas = Using language technologies and virtual worlds to develop educative applications
- Visualización y recuperación de información en la web semántica
- Weaknesses in a new ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol with permutation-RAPP
- Web knowledge sharing and its effect on innovation: An empirical investigation in SMEs
- Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement
- Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops Euro-Par 2014 International Workshops, Porto, Portugal, August 25-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part II
- Guía para elaborar Documentación Digital Accesible. Recomendaciones para Word, Power Point y Excel de Microsoft Office 2010
- Handbook of Research on Intelligent Big Data and Semantic-Based Analysis and Governance, Advances in Data Mining and Database Management
- Highlights of Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, The PAAMS Collection, PAAMS 2014 International Workshops, Salamanca, Spain, June 4-6, 2014 Proceedings
- Joint Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice and Second International Workshop on Finance and Economics on the Semantic Web Co-located with 11th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014) Anissaras, Greece, May 26, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2014, 22 October, 2014 - Rome, Italy
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014): Porto, Portugal
- Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Planning
- Scalable Storage I/O Software for Blue Gene Architectures
Book Chapters
- Adapting Agile Practices to Mobile Apps Development. In: Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement
- An Architecture for Trusted PaaS Cloud Computing for Personal Data. In: Trusted Cloud Computing
- Integrando normativa en accesibilidad a través de herramientas, metodologías y formación (OPINIÓN DE EXPERTOS). In: Normalización y accesibilidad
- Managing Tacit Knowledge to Improve Software Processes. In: Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement
- Product Patterns to Support Knowledge Acquisition Management. In: Knowledge Discovery, Transfer, and Management in the Information Age
- Scalable Storage I/O Software for Blue Gene Architectures. In: High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments
- Transactive Memory Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology
- VTManager: Marco metodológico para la gestión de equipos virtuales globles para el desarrollo de software. In: Desarrollo global de software
Conference Contributions
- A General-Purpose Architecture to Control Mobile Robots
- A Holistic Approach to Railway Engineering Design Using a Simulation Framework
- A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Personalized Language Learning
- A Practical Application of Evolving Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifiers for the Development of Spoken Dialog Systems
- A Proposal for Processing and Fusioning Multiple Information Sources in Multimodal Dialog Systems
- A Scalable Machine Learning Online Service for Big Data Real-Time Analysis
- A Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Daily Solar Energy Forecasting using Numerical Weather Models
- A Virtual Coach for Active Ageing Based on Sentient Computing and m-health
- A cloudification methodology for numerical simulations
- A dialog management methodology based on evolving Fuzzy-rule-based (FRB) classifiers
- A framework to develop adaptive multimodal dialog systems for Android-based mobile devices
- A hierarchical Storage Infrastructure for Mobile Cloud Computing
- A novel approach for data fusion and dialog management in user-adapted multimodal dialog systems
- A recurrent meta-cognitive-based Scaffolding classifier from data streams
- A scenario-based virtual environment for supporting emergency training
- A tunable proof of ownership scheme for deduplication using Bloom filters
- ADRSpanishTool: Una herramienta para la detección de efectos adversos e indicaciones = ADRSpanishTool: A tool for extracting adverse drug reactions and indications
- Accessibility Evaluation of an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Tool
- Accessible Mobile Application to Support Self Testing for Anticoagulated Patients Using a Personal Health Record: Appliying Good Practices
- Adaptación de una asignatura para un proceso de acreditación internacional
- Adaptation rules for Accessible Media Player Interface
- Agent-based framework for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in urban environments
- Ambient intelligence: applications and privacy policies
- An Approach to Circumstantial Knowledge Management for Human-Like Interaction
- An Intelligent and Adaptive Live Simulator: A New Concept for Cybersecurity Training
- An ensemble method based on evolving classifiers: eStacking
- An information fusion framework for context-based accidents prevention
- Analyzing the Impact of Partial States on Duplicate Detection and Collision of Frontiers
- Anomalous Web Payload Detection: Evaluating the Resilience of 1-gram Based Classifiers
- Assessing professional skills in a multi-scale environment by means of graph-based algorithms
- Assessment of a Tool for Users with Complex Communication Needs
- BLAS: Batukada Lingüística de Accesibilidad Sincrona
- Breaking data dependences in numerical simulations using Map-Reduce
- CAPTCHA and accessibility. Is this the best we can do?
- CCE: An Approach to Improve the Accuracy in Ensembles by Using Diverse Base Learners
- Citizen Participation and Social Technologies: Exploring the Perspective of Emergency Organizations
- CoDICE: balancing software engineering and creativity in the co-design of digital encounters with cultural heritage
- Combining support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for efficient anomaly detection: a petroleum industry application
- Connecting everything: A need in Systems Engineering and a close future using OSLC
- Content Delivery and Sharing in Federated Cloud Storage
- Convertidor Forward Serie Modificado con Comportamiento Reductor-Elevador para Aplicaciones Fotovoltaicas
- Design and evaluation of a platform to support co-design with children
- Designing for Continuity: Assisting Emergency Planning Practice Through Computer-Supported Collaborative Technologies
- Detecting Targeted Smartphone Malware with Behavior-Triggering Stochastic Models
- Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams
- Developing multimodal conversational agents: from the use of VoiceXML to Android-based applications
- Digitally augmented narratives for physical artifacts
- Domain and subtask-adaptive conversational agents to provide an enhanced human-agent interaction
- ECCE Toolkit: Prototyping UbiComp Device Ecologies
- EDUTitling: An accessibility tool for people with disabilities in the field of education
- Employing a Secure Cipher Does Not guarantee the Security of RFID Protocols
- Enhancing the Structure of Railway Infrastructure Simulators
- Evaluación con personas reales de un Chat accesible a través de la plataforma UNINNOVA
- Evaluation of the feasibility of making large-scale X-ray tomography reconstructions on clouds
- Experiencias de innovación en la enseñanza de ética para ingenieros
- Exploiting data locality in Swift/T workflows using Hercules
- Exploratory Study of Web Navigation Strategies for Users with Physical Disabilities
- Exploring Interaction Possibilities in Educational Games: A Working Proposal
- Extracting drug indications and adverse drug reactions from Spanish health social media
- Geographic context configuration in fusion algorithms for maritime surveillance
- Giving Voice to the Internet by Means of Conversational Agents
- Goal-directed Generation of Exercise Sets for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation
- High-level information fusion for risk and accidents prevention in pervasive oil industry environments
- High-performance X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on heterogeneous accelerated computing systems
- Human factors: Intertwining of formal and empirical methods in software engineering
- Improving accessibility for hearing impaired on board the airplane with ASR
- Influence of the data codification when applying evolving classifiers to develop spoken dialog systems
- Information fusion as input source for improving multi-agent system autonomous decision-making in maritime surveillance scenarios
- Intangible Assets Management in the Software Industry
- Integration of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Multimedia User Agents Interface
- Intelligent Promotions Recommendation System for Instaprom Platform
- Interdependent Components for the Development of Accessible XUL Applications for Screen Reader Users
- Key factors to use mobile devices in the education of students having specific education needs
- Modelos de representación de imprecisión e incertidumbre en fusión de alto nivel
- Multi-Agent Planning with Agent Preferences
- Multi-level fusion of hard and soft information
- Navigation capabilities of mid-cost GNSS/INS vs. smartphone Analysis and Comparison in Urban Navigation scenarios
- News Mining Using Evolving Fuzzy Systems
- Ontology-Assisted Systems Engineering Process with Focus in the Requirements Engineering Process
- Optimizations to enhance sustainability of MPI applications
- Overlapping Chat's Accessibility Requirements between students with and without disabilities due to the mobile limitations
- Plan Merging by Reuse for Multi-Agent Planning
- Planning & Scheduling Applications in Urban Traffic Management
- Planning with Ensembles of Classifiers
- Posicionamiento de Proyectos de Software en base al análisis de grafos de sus relaciones de dependencia
- Privacy protection in trust models for agent societies
- Processing and fusioning multiple heterogeneous information sources in multimodal dialog systems
- Propuesta para promover la soft skills entre alumnos de ingeniería informática
- Prototyping device ecologies: physical to digital and viceversa
- Query-driven Ontology for BigData
- Reconstrucción tomográfica 3D de rayos X basada en aceleradores de alto rendimiento
- Representing Statistical Indexes as Linked Data Including Metadata about Their Computation Process
- Representing verifiable statistical index computations as linked data
- Requirements Authoring : towards the concept of standard requirement
- Routing with virtual coordinates in mobile sensor networks
- Semantic Representation and Computation of Cloud-Based Customer Relationship Management Solutions
- Simul-A2: Agent-based simulator for evaluate ADA systems
- SincroSubTV. Televisión en streaming con subtítulos sincronizados en los programas en directo
- Smart Intangible Knowledge Assets Valuation
- SoNeUCON_ADM: the administrative model for SoNeUCON_ABC
- Solving the Target-Value Search Problem
- Stegomalware: Playing Hide and Seek with Malicious Components in Smartphone Apps
- Supporting situated learning based on QR codes with etiquetAR App: a pilot study
- Systems Engineering Requirements: A Guided Example of an Applied Knowledge System
- TIPExtop: An Exploratory Design Tool for Emergency Planning
- The Geranium System: Multimodal Conversational Agents for E-learning
- Time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks vs. evolving models
- Towards Measuring the Impact of the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard: A Systematic Review
- Towards Mobile Accessibility for Older People: A User Centered Evaluation
- Towards a semantic-based representation and computation of quantitative indexes for quality management of requirements
- Understanding citizen participation in crisis and disasters: the point of view of governmental agencies
- Use of mobile devices to obtain students' feedback during theory classes of computer science courses
- Validating and Describing Linked Data Portals using RDF Shape Expressions
- Visualization Techniques to Empower Communities of Volunteers in Emergency Management
- Why avoiding how when defining what? Towards an OSLC-based approach to support Model-Driven Requirements Engineering
- Women in computer science: Survey on the perception of the women's participation in STEM studies
- YASA: yet another time series segmentation algorithm for anomaly detection in big data problems
- Asesoramiento en nuevas características de ISO C++14
- Asesoramiento para desarrollo de una plataforma basada en tecnologías linked data para el análisis y seguimiento masivo de información generada a través de las redes sociales
- Asesoramiento para realización de Informe Pericial "Análisis de las cuestiones sobre seguridad involucradas en la avería sufrida por operador móvil"
- Asesoramiento sobre desarrollo seguro de aplicaciones móviles
- Asesoría UC3M-FTP en el ámbito de la Ciencia de la Computación
- Asesoría en el desarrollo de una estrategia de I+D+i para CreaTIC
- Bidding strategies for the Canadian 700MHz Auction
- CIBERDINE-CM. Ciberseguridad:Datos, información, riesgos
- Componentes de inteligencia predictiva para Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad
- Cátedra de ciberseguridad
- Desarrollo de contenidos para la accesibilidad mediante subtitulado de la obra de teatro "La familia bien, gracias", en Ávila
- Enerloud: a smart grid interoperability system for the energy consumption optimization
- Framework de herramientas y servicios para la mejora de la distribución de mercancías en la última milla asociada a transacciones de e-commerce Acrónimo: e-DeliverTIC
- Modelo de ajustes de ventas
- NICOP: Design and Architecture of an Adaptative Information Fusion/Information Integration (IF/II)
- Plataforma para la interacción entre entornos en la Multitenant y Monotenant en la gestión del capital humano e intelectual
- Plataforma servicios energéticos a partir de datos de múltiples fuentes integrados-enersis
- Proyecto App empresas de SMA
- Seguridad y privacidad en la IOY
- Servicio de mantenimiento del simulador SIMBA
- Sistema de portabilidad, intercambio e integración de datos entre servicios y aplicaciones en la nube. CloudDataIntegration
- Sistema para la elaboración colaborativa de declaraciones amistosas de accidentes a través de dispositivos móviles inteligentes
- Técnicas de gestión escalable de datos para high-end computing systems
- Alterdroid: Herramienta para el análisis de software malicioso ofuscado para Android
- ArffGenerator. Generador de ficheros arff para Brown Corpus
- SETiChat
- Sistema de Gestión de Grupos de Investigación
- Targetdroid: Herramienta para el análisis de software malicioso dirigido para Android
- e-RETO: e-mail usage pattern analyzer
- fBrake
Supervised Theses
- A user Managed Access Control Model And Mechanisms for Web Based Social Networks . Enhancing Expressive power, Co-ownership Management Interoperability and Authorized data Exposures
- Attacks Against Intrusion Detection Networks: Evasion , Reverse Engineering and Optimal Countermeasures
- Building Planning Action Models Using Activity Recognition
- Generation and exploitation of intermediate goals in automated planning
- Influencia de los Segmentos del discurso en la discriminación del locutor
- Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) Control System : Design and Development
- Marco metodologico para la creacion y adquisicion de conocimientos en las organizaciones
- Medidas de productividad en los proyectos de desarrollo de software: una aproximación por puestos de trabajo
- Mining structural and behavioral patterns in smart malware
- Un modelo conceptual para el diseño de videojuegos educativos
- Una arquitectura para el uso de las redes sociales por agencias gubernamentales en la gestión de emergencias.
Working Papers
- Arrays of run-time bounds as data members
- C++ language support for contract programming
- Exploring the design space of contract specifications for C++
- N3875: Run-time bound array data members
- REPARA C++ Open Specification
- Target Platform Description Specification
- Use of the verbal structures for the identification of relationships and description in thesaurus