Outputs for BIOENGINEERING Department (Year 2013)
- Automatic TAC extraction from dynamic cardiac PET imaging using iterative correlation from a population template
- Behavioral, neurochemical and morphological changes induced by the overexpression of munc18-1a in brain of mice: relevance to schizophrenia
- Comparison of different methods of spatial normalization of FDG-PET brain images in the voxel-wise analysis of MCI patients and controls
- Development of a three-dimensional surface imaging system for melanocytic skin lesion evaluation
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with PLEC mutations: new phenotypes and new mutations
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation: a family report and review
- Feasibility of integrating a multi-camera optical tracking system in intra-operative electron radiation therapy scenarios
- Feasibility study of endoscopic x-ray luminescence computed tomography: Simulation demonstration and phantom application
- First Symposium of Ichthyosis Experts = I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis
- Helical optical projection tomography
- Identifying targets for topical RNAi therapeutics in psoriasis: assessment of a new in vitro psoriasis model
- Improved dead-time correction for PET scanners: application to small-animal PET
- Is the cerebellum the optimal reference region for intensity normalization of perfusion MR studies in early Alzheimer's disease?
- Keratinocyte cell lines derived from severe generalized recessive Epidermolysis Bullosa patients carrying a highly recurrent COL7A1 homozygous mutation: models to assess cell and gene therapies in vitro and in vivo
- Light transport in turbid media with non-scattering, low-scattering and high absorption heterogeneities based on hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with radiosity model
- Longitudinal in vivo imaging of bone formation and resorption using fluorescence molecular tomography
- MRI compatibility of position-sensitive photomultiplier depth-of-interaction PET detectors modules for in-line multimodality preclinical studies
- Massively parallelizable list-mode reconstruction using a Monte Carlo-based elliptical Gaussian model
- Monte Carlo study of the effects of system geometry and antiscatter grids on cone-beam CT scatter distributions
- Positron range estimations with PeneloPET
- Prevalence of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in Spain: a population-based study using the 3-source capture-recapture method. Evidence of a need for improvement in care = Prevalencia de la epidermólisis ampollosa distrófica en España: estudio poblacional usando el método de captura-recaptura con 3 fuentes de datos. Evidencia de la necesidad de mejora en la atención sociosanitaria
- Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: the origin of the c.6527insC mutation in the Spanish population
- Research opportunities in intraoperative radiation therapy: the next decade 2013-2023
- Targeted antifungal prophylaxis in heart transplant recipients
- Targeted gene addition in human epithelial stem cells by zinc-finger nuclease-mediated homologous recombination
- The human cerebral cortex flattens during adolescence
- The regenerative potential of fibroblasts in a new diabetes-induced delayed humanised wound healing model
- Topical Enzyme-Replacement Therapy Restores Transglutaminase 1 Activity and Corrects Architecture of Transglutaminase-1-Deficient Skin Grafts
- Use of Split Bregman denoising for iterative reconstruction in fluorescence diffuse optical tomography
- jClustering, an open framework for the development of 4D clustering algorithms
Book Chapters
Conference Contributions
- 18F-misonidazole positron-emission tomography (FMISO-PET) as an early biomarker of vascular normalization in response to antiangiogenic therapy
- A Prior-Based Image Variation (PRIVA) approach applied to motion-based compressed sensing cardiac cine MRI.
- Actualización en diagnóstico y tratamiento de las epidermolisis ampollosas
- Advanced Networked Modular Personal Dosimetry System
- Analysis of the rotational center location method in Optical Projection Tomography
- Artificial Skin
- Assessment of the performance and fate of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells forming part of bioengineered skin equivalents in vitro and in vivo
- Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography
- Cell-based therapy for diabetic wounds: from the bench to the patient
- Combining skin tissue engineering and gene therapy to treat genedermatosis
- Compressed sensing for cardiac MRI cine sequences: a real implementation on a small-animal scanner
- Development of bioengineered skin-humanized mouse models for inflammatory skin diseases
- Differentiation between gliomas and brain metastases using MR imaging, resonance spectroscopy, perfusion and diffusion-weighted imaging
- El álgebra y la geometría como apoyo al diagnóstico médico
- Employing in-vivo molecular imaging in simulating and validating tumor growth
- Evaluating the best treatment, calcium channel blocker or ketogenic diet, to reduce myocardial 18FDG uptake
- Fate and function of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSC) in bioengineered skin equivalents in vitro and in vivo
- How does compressed sensing affect activation maps in rat fMRI?
- Innovación en medicina
- Iterative dual-energy material decomposition for slow kVp switching: a compressed sensing approach
- La electricidad del cuerpo humano
- La identificación de las mutaciones causantes de epidermolisis bullosa juntural con atresia de píloro en el neonato permite pronosticar la evolución de la enfermedad
- La naturaleza microscópica en 3D
- Long-term COLVII expression after histocompatible bioengineered skin transplantation in a COL VII-null RDEB patient
- Need of multimodal SPECT/MRI for tracking of 111in-labeled human mesenchymal stem cells in neuroblastoma tumor-bearing mice
- Neuropathic pain and depression causes similar brain changes in animal models
- Optical tracking system integration into IORT treatment planning system
- Parallel Implementation of a X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm for High-Resolution Studies
- Parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on MPI and CUDA
- Phenotyping K-RasV14I knock-in mouse by Cardiac-MRI: a pilot study
- Protein, cell and gene therapies for rare skin
- Registration of small-animal SPECT/MRI studies for tracking human mesenchymal stem cells
- Retos tecnológicos de la imagen en el siglo XXI
- Role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of kindler syndrome
- Semi-automatic segmentation of sacrum in computer tomography studies for intraoperative radiation therapy
- Spatial normalization in voxel-wise analysis of FDG-PET brain images
- Split Bregman-singular value analysis approach to solve the compressed sensing problem of fluorescence diffuse optical tomography
- Terapias avanzadas para enfermedades hereditarias de la piel
- Terapias celulares en el tratamiento de las genodermatosis
- The importance of a valid reference region for intensity normalization of perfusion MR studies in early Alzheimer's disease
- Tracer kinetic modeling with R for batch processing of dynamic PET studies
- Tracking 111In-labeled human Mesenchymal Stem Cells after intraperitoneal administration combining SPECT and MRI: a pilot study.
- ¿Puede la biotecnología curar enfermedades raras?
- ¿Qué es una tomografía?
- Asesoramiento sobre técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, histológicas y de ingeniería de tejidos
- Contrato de servicio para la realización de estudios cardíacos de resonancia magnética y tomografía por emisión de positrones para proyecto de investigación
- Early Assessment of Treatment Response in Advanced Melanoma Patients
- HFSP-An innovative, interdisciplinary model system for studying the developmental origins of sleep and brain rhythms
- High Throughput Optical Tomography
- INFIERI: Intelligent Fast Interconnected and Efficient devices for Frontier Explotation in Research and Industry
- Improved Molecular Imaging by Multi-tracer PET
- Nuevo sistema integral de radiografía (con las siglas INNPROVE: INNovative image PROcessing in medicine and VEterinary)
- Red Cardiovascular
- Tecnologías para Procedimientos Intraoperatorios Seguros y Precisos.