Outputs for SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION Department (Year 2013)
- A memetic differential evolution algorithm for the inverse kinematics problem of robot manipulators
- A method for incorporating fractional-order dynamics through PID control system retuning
- A multimodal emotion detection system during human-robot interaction
- An autonomous social robot in fear
- An improved method to calculate the time-to-collision of two vehicles
- Application of the fast marching method for outdoor motion planning in robotics
- Circulating current produced in a system of two inverters connected in parallel due to a difference between the zero-vector parameters
- Distributed pedestrian detection alerts based on data fusion with accurate localization
- Facial emotion recognition and adaptative postural reaction by a humanoid based on neural evolution
- Fast 3D cluster tracking for a mobile robot using 2D techniques on depth images
- Flexible field factory for construction industry
- General path planning methodology for leader-follower robot formations
- INT3-Horus framework for multispectrum activity interpretation in intelligent environments
- Modeling and simulation of the Humanoid Robot HOAP-3 in the OpenHRP3 Platform
- Multimodal fusion as communicative acts during human-robot interaction
- Offline GA-based optimisation for heterogeneous modular multi-configurable chained micro-robots
- Pedestrian detection in far infrared images
- Planning robot formations with fast marching square including uncertainty conditions
- Pre-collision systems for urban environment accidents avoidance
- Quantifying the Evolutionary Self-Structuring of Embodied Cognitive Networks
- Teaching human poses interactively to a social robot
- The path to efficiency: fast marching method for safer, more efficient mobile robot trajectories
Book Chapters
- A survey on different control techniques for grasping. In: Grasping in robotics
- Robots sociales. In: Modelado semántico del entorno en robótica cognitiva
Conference Contributions
- "Give me the red can": assistive robot task creation through multi-modal interaction
- 3-Dimensional object perception for manipulation tasks using the atlas robot
- 3D Object Perception Using Depth Cameras for Indoor and Outdoor Applications
- 3D Object reconstruction with a single RGB-depth image
- 3D based driver detection
- A complete 3D perception and path planning architecture for a humanoid
- A mumanoid robot standing up through learning from demonstration using a multimodal reward function
- A new extended SDLS to deal with the JLA in the inverse kinematics of an anthropomorphic robotic hand
- A review of eight years of CEABOT contest: a national wide mini humanoids competition
- Active learning for pose recognition. Studying what and when to ask for feature queries
- Adaptive collision-limitation behavior for an assistive manipulator
- Adaptive control of a DC motor for educational practices.
- An android interface for an arduino based robot for teaching in robotics
- Analysis and experimental evaluation of an object-level in-hand manipulation controller based on the virtual linkage model
- Anthropomorphic robotics hand inverse kinematics using estimated SVD in an extended SDLS approach
- Assistive robot multi-modal interaction with augmented 3D vision and dialogue
- Augmented reality and social interaction platform through multirobot design
- Cognitive model framework for learning and adaptation of robot skills to task constraints
- Competing in the DARPA virtual robotics challenge as the SARBOT team
- Context Aided Multilevel Pedestrian Detection
- Control practices using simulink with Arduino as low cost hardware
- Creación de Tareas de Asistencia Robótica Mediante la Interacción Multimodal
- Descripción general del sistema de interacción humano-robot Robotics Dialog System (RDS).
- Design and implementation of software components for a remote laboratory
- Detección y estimación de la orientación del rostro del conductor basada en modelos 3D
- Diseño de un robot móvil como mascota robótica de entretenimiento para personas con discapacidad
- Diseño preliminar de interfaces de realidad aumentada para el robot asistencial ASIBOT
- Distinguishing between similar objects based on geometrical features in 3D perception
- Enhanced obstacle detection based on Data Fusion for ADAS applications
- Estimación de suelos navegables para interiores
- Evolutionary fractional order control of a humanoid robot modeled as a triple inverted pendulum
- Fast Marching in motion planning for rhombic like vehicles operating in ITER
- Framework for learning and adaptation of robot skills to task constraints
- Fusing visual and tactile sensing for manipulation of unknown objects
- Genetic algorithm for stereo correspondence with a novel fitness function and occlusion handling
- How to deal with difficulty and uncertainty in the Outdoor Trajectory Planning with Fast Marching
- Improving Sampling-based Path Planning Methods with Fast Marching
- Indirect Approach for Solving Trajectory Planning Problem for Industrial Robots Using Genetic Algorithms
- Joint Probabilistic Data Association fusion approach for pedestrian detection
- Learning-based Floor Segmentation and Reconstruction
- Low-cost organic electronics based system for centre of gravity monitoring
- Modelado e Implementación de un robot de entretenimiento para competición
- Modelado semántico del entorno en robótica cognitiva. Aplicación en navegación
- Multidomain Voice Activity Detection during Human-Robot Interaction
- Novel method for vehicle and pedestrian detection based on information fusion
- Object tagging for human-robot interaction by recolorization using Gaussian mixture models
- Obtaining a 3D model from a facial recognition in 2D
- Part based pedestrian detection based on logic inference
- Precision grasp planning based on fast marching square
- Precision grasp planning with Gifu Hand III based on fast marching square
- Preliminary Experiments on HRI for improvement the Robotic Dialog System (RDS).
- Proyecto SARBOT: introducción de robots humanoides en tareas de búqueda y rescate en entornos urbanos degradados
- Real-Time Recognition of the Gender of Users around a Social Robot: Preliminary Results
- RoMPLA: An efficient robot motion and planning learning architecture
- Robust control of a reduced humanoid robot model using genetic algorithms and fractional calculus
- Semantic action parameter inference through machine learning methods
- Smooth anytime motion planning using fast marching
- Social Path Planning: Generic Human-Robot Interaction Framework for Robotic Navigation Tasks
- Teletesting: Path planning experimentation and benchmarking in the Teleworkbench
- Towards Exploiting the Advantages of Colour in Scan Matching
- Towards robot imagination through object feature inference
- Transfer of assembly operations to new workpiece poses by adaptation to the desired force profile
- Ultrasonic motor based actuator for elbow joint functional compensation
- Adaptation of the 3D scenario of the Aerodrome of Alicante for FerroNATS ATC requirements
- Desarrollo de un sistema integral de detección de trenes, roturas de carril y otras aplicaciones ferroviarias basado en la interpretación inteligente de vibraciones transmitidas por los carriles-proyecto indio
- MONARCH: Multi-Robot Cognitive Systems Operating in Hospitals
- ROBO-SPECT: ROBotic System with Intelligent Vision and Control for Tunnel Structural INSPECTion and Evaluation
- STAMAS: SMAs in Space. Artificial Muscles and other robotic applications