sample of publications
- On-line modelling and planning for urban traffic control. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 38:1-15. 2021
- Selecting goals in oversubscription planning using relaxed plans. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 291:1-24. 2021
- Using Pre-Computed Knowledge for Goal Allocation in Multi-Agent Planning. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 98:165-190. 2019
- Efficient approaches for multi-agent planning. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 58:425-479. 2019
- Plan merging by reuse for multi-agent planning. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. 50:365-396. 2019
- Symbolic perimeter abstraction heuristics for cost-optimal planning. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 259:1-31. 2018
- Learning-driven Goal Generation. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 31:137-150. 2018
- Anticipation of goals in automated planning. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 31:117-135. 2018
- Planning and execution through variable resolution planning. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 83:214-230. 2016
- Using automated planning for traffic signals control. Promet-Traffic & Transportation. 28:383-391. 2016
- Automatic construction of optimal static sequential portfolios for AI planning and beyond. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 226:75-101. 2015
- Progress in Case-Based Planning. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. 47. 2015
- Using random sampling trees for automated planning. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 28:665-681. 2015
- The Fifth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 27:327-328. 2014
- Multi-step Generation of Bayesian Networks Models for Software Projects Estimations. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 6:796-821. 2013
- On the automatic compilation of e-learning models to planning. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW. 28:121-136. 2013
- Using automated planning for improving data mining processes. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW. 28:157-173. 2013
- Combining linear programming and automated planning to solve intermodal transportation problems. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 227:216-226. 2013
- Using Activity Recognition for Building Planning Action Models. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2013
- Integrating Planning, Execution, and Learning to Improve Plan Execution. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. 29:1-36. 2013
- A case-based approach to heuristic planning. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. 39:184-201. 2013
- A review of machine learning for automated planning. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW. 27:433-467. 2012
- The Symposium on Combinatorial Search. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 25:209-210. 2012
- A Prototype-Based Method for Classification with Time Constraints: A Case Study on Automated Planning. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 15:261-277. 2012
- Using linear programming to solve clustered oversubscription planning problems for designing e-courses. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 39:5178-5188. 2012
- Knowledge Transfer between Automated Planners. AI MAGAZINE. 32:79-94. 2011
- Scaling up Heuristic Planning with Relational Decision Trees. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH. 40:767-813. 2011
- Control of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Automated Planning. Journal of Physical Agents. 5:3-13. 2011
- Automatic Generation of Temporal Planning Domains for e-Learning Problems. JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING. 13:347-362. 2010
- GA-Stacking: Evolutionary Stacked Generalization. Intelligent Data Analysis. 14:89-119. 2010
- OMBO: An opponent Modeling Approach. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 22:21-35. 2009
- SAMAP: An User-Oriented Adaptive System for Planning Tourist Visits. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 34:1318-1332. 2008
- Two Steps Reinforcement Learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS. 23:213-245. 2008
book chapters
- TIMIPLAN: A tool for transportation tasks. In: Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems. SPRINGER. 269-286. 2016
- A Comparative Study of Discretization Approaches for State Space Generalization in the Keepaway Soccer Task. In: Progress in Education. Volume 21. NOVA PUBLISHERS. 161-190. 2010
- From Unstructured Web Knowledge to Plan Descriptions. In: Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments. SPRINGER. 41-59. 2010
- Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Planning. AAAI Press. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. 2014
- Proceedings of the Twenty third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2013). AAAI Press. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. 2013
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SOCS 2012). AAAI Press. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. 2012
- Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SOCS 2011). Menlo Park, California: AAAI Press. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. 2011
conference contributions
- Advising Agent for Service-Providing Live-Chat Operators. 41-59. 2022
- Error Analysis and Correction for Weighted A*'s Suboptimality. 135-139. 2019
- Finding Centroids and Minimum Covering States in Planning. 348-352. 2019
- Guarantees for Sound Abstractions for Generalized Planning. 1566-1573. 2019
- Counterplanning in Real-Time Strategy Games through Goal Recognition 2018
- Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks. 4808-4814. 2018
- Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks. 17-24. 2018
- Distributed Planning and Model Learning for Urban Traffic Control. 20-27. 2018
- Meta-Search Through the Space of Representations and Heuristics on a Problem by Problem Basis. 6169-6176. 2018
- Sensor Planning System for the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Project. 107-113. 2017
- Abstraction Heuristics for Symbolic Bidirectional Search. 3272-3278. 2016
- Analyzing the Impact of Partial States on Duplicate Detection and Collision of Frontiers. 350-354. 2014
- Humanoid Robots Play Theater. 597-602. 2014
- Multi-Agent Planning with Agent Preferences. 70-78. 2014
- Plan Merging by Reuse for Multi-Agent Planning. 38-44. 2014
- Selective Abstraction in Automated Planning. 133-147. 2014
- Learning heuristic functions for cost-based planning. 6-13. 2013
- MIPSat. 59-60. 2013
- Modeling Motivations, Personality Traits and Emotional States in Deliberative Agents Based on Automated Planning. 146-160. 2013
- Multi-Agent Planning by Plan Reuse. 1141-1142. 2013
- OndRoad Planner: Building Tourist Plans using Traveling Social Network Information. 14-15. 2013
- Plan Sharing for Multi-Agent Planning. 57-65. 2013
- Revisiting Regression in Planning. 2254-2260. 2013
- Symbolic Merge-and-Shrink for Cost-Optimal Planning. 2394-2400. 2013
- TIMIPLAN: A Tool for Transportation Tasks 2013
- AUV Based Multi-vehicle Collaboration: Salinity Studies in Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon 2012
- An Automated User-Centered Planning Framework for Decision Support in Environmental Early Warnings. 591-600. 2012
- How Good is the Performance of the Best Portfolio in IPC-2011?. 37-42. 2012
- PELEA: A Domain-Independent Architecture for Planning, Execution and Learning. 38-45. 2012
- Performance Analysis of Planning Portfolios 2012
- Probabilistically Reusing Plans in Deterministic Planning. 17-25. 2012
- Solving Multi-modal and Uni-modal Transportation Problems through TIMIPlan. 203-208. 2012
- Steps Towards an Operational Sensors Network Planning for Space Surveillance 2012
- Variable resolution planning through predicate relaxation 2012
- A Dynamic Sliding Window Approach for Activity Recognition. 219-230. 2011
- AUV-2011-Underwater Robotics Experiment in the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon 2011
- Adapting a Rapidily-Exploring Random Tree for Automated Planning. 2-9. 2011
- Autonomous Mobile Robot Control and Learning with the PELEA Architecture. 51-56. 2011
- Building a Domain-Independent Architecture for Planning, Learning and Execution: PELEA. 27-30. 2011
- Planning Multi-Modal Transportation Problems. 66-73. 2011
- Providing Deliberation to Emotional Agents. 98-105. 2011
- Using the Relaxed Plan Heuristic to Select Goals in Oversubscription Planning Problems. 183-192. 2011
- A Distance Measure Between Goals for Oversubscription Planning 2008
- A New Approach to Heuristic Estimations for Cost-Based Planning 2008
- A Social and Emotional Model for Obtaining Believable Emergent Behavior. 395-399. 2008
- Learning Relational Decision Trees for Guiding Heuristic Plannin 2008
- Learning and Transferring Relational Instance-Based Policies 2008
- Modelling a RTS Planning Domain with Cost Conversion and Rewards 2008
- Planificación y aprendizaje 2008
- Preference-Oriented Planning for Achieving Satisfactory Emotional States 2008
- Prototypes Based Relational Learning 2008
- The PELA Architecture: Integrating Planning and Learning to Improve Execution 2008
- Unsupervised and Domain Independent Ontology Learning. Combining Heterogeneous sources of evidence 2008