Outputs for LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Department (Year 2022)
- A comparison of public disclosure in archives and libraries using TransPa_BA
- Analysis of shared research data in Spanish scientificpapers about COVID-19: A first approach
- Brazilian green patents: behavior of inventions that receive the highest number of citations
- Comparación de la divulgación pública (publicidad activa) en archivos y bibliotecas mediante TransPa_BA
- Contribution of social psychology research to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Bibliometric and content analysis of spanish publications
- Differences in scientific collaboration and their effects on research influence: A quantitative analysis of nursing publications in Latin America (Scopus, 2005-2020)
- EMPATÍA-CM: protEcción integral de las víctimas de violencia de género Mediante comPutación AfecTIva multimodal = EMPATIA-CM: Comprehensive Protection of Gender-based Violence Victims through Multimodal Affective Computing
- Efectos de la transformación digital en las actividades y competencias de información = Effects of digital transformation on information activities and competencies
- Emprendimiento en programas de doctorado: perspectivas de doctorandos y profesores sobre el contenido de los cursos = Entrepreneurship in doctoral programs: Perspectives of doctoral students and professors on the content of the courses
- Estudio preliminar sobre la percepción de las habilidades necesarias para el emprendimiento en cursos de doctorado: el punto de vista de estudiantes y docentes
- Introducción = Introduction
- Knowledge to support creation: integrating academic databases with open innovation platforms
- Knowledge tools to organise software engineering Data: Development and validation of an ontology based on ECSS standard
- LAM-related research funded under Spain's national research agenda (2010-2020)
- La alfabetización digital de mujeres hacia la inclusión digital y el cumplimento de la agenda 2030: una comparación entre las políticas públicas de inclusión digital en Mozambique y España
- La función de la biblioteca escolar en la construcción de la sociedad lectora = The function of the school library in the construction of the reading society
- Medios sociales y bibliotecas en la producción científica de España
- Penna volans Discovered: Analysis of a New Exemplar of Calligraphic Virtuosity by Baldericus van Horicke (Brussels, ca. 1616)
- Propuesta para la adaptación de la CDU en entornos multicontextuales.
- Reassertion of esteem for the hospital library's role during the covid-19 pandemic: a case study
- Scientific production and most researched diseases in the Biological Sciences postgraduate programs in Brazil
- The Discursive Power of Memes in Digital Culture Ideology: Semiotics, and Intertextuality [book review]
- The role of urban resilience in research and its contribution to sustainability
- Tracking Openness and Topic Evolution of COVID-19 Publications January 2020-March 2021: Comprehensive Bibliometric and Topic Modeling Analysis
- Transparencia voluntaria en los archivos universitarios españoles = Voluntary Transparency in Spanish University Archives
- Voluntary Transparency in Spanish University Libraries
- Voremetur Project: proposal for the digital cataloguing of museum objects on media art
- ¿Son prioritarios los estudios sobre ODS en el campo de la psicología social? Ventajas y limitaciones para la clasificación depublicaciones sobre ODS
- Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural, and corporate environments
- Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains. 23rd International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2021 Moscow, Russia, October 26&-29, 2021 Revised Selected Papers
- Historia de los Illuminati
Book Chapters
- Experiencias de cooperación universitaria en Biblioteconomía y Ciencia de la Información: actividades desde la transferencia académica y social. In: Cooperação universitária internacional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia
- Learning and information services in the Knowledge Economy: strategic relevance and marketing of educational services and programs. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural and corporate environments
- Libraries as centers of excellence: quality management as inducer of libraries' social impact. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from Information Services in educational, cultural and corporate environments
- Nommer les archives: origine et spontaneité constitutive des arcana imperii et des arcana domestici . In: Les conflits d'archives. France, Espagne, Méditerranée
- Open Science: observations for universities as agents of paradigm change. In: Higher Education in the World 8 - Special issue. New Visions for Higher Education towards 2030
- The 2030 Agenda and the information professionals. In: Boosting the Knowledge Econom: Key Contributions from Information Services in Educational, Cultural and Corporate Environments
- The role of television audiovisual archives in the knowledge economy. In: Boosting the Knowledge Economy Key contributions from Information Services in Educational, Cultural and Corporate Environments
- Transparency as social responsibility: librarians' and archivists' standpoints on active public disclosure as a mechanism for transparency. In: Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from information services in educational, cultural and corporate environments
Conference Contributions
- Archivo histórico de Euskadi (AHE): Redacción de un borrador de Reglamento de Archivos que Desarrolle la Ley 5/2022 De Gestión Documental Integral y Patrimonio Documental de la Comunidad
- Informe sobre oferta de documentos históricos a la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
- Skills4EOSC:Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science
Supervised Theses
- Estudio comparativo del reto educativo-social del aprendizaje móvil en las bibliotecas universitarias de España y Costa de Marfil
- Process Productivity Improvements through Semantic and Linked Data Technologies